Is Catholicism for the individual or the community? Is our religion focused on the fate of the individual or the people of God? Is religion about our individual relationship with God or the relationship of humanity and its creator?
I used to think that Catholicism focused on the Church community (Communion of Saints) more than Protestants who emphasized the relationship between the individual and its God. Is it correct to cliam that In the ancient world the individual did not count, but in Christianity the centre is the individual?
But I am reading Henri de Lubac and he points out that the new idea introduced by Christianity was the belief in the salvation of all, e.g. ‘common destiny of mankind’, ‘salvation of the human race’ and ‘the whole universe cries out for its deliverance and is sure to obtain it’ (H. de Lubac Catholicism, ch V).
Please help me clarify my thinkung.
I used to think that Catholicism focused on the Church community (Communion of Saints) more than Protestants who emphasized the relationship between the individual and its God. Is it correct to cliam that In the ancient world the individual did not count, but in Christianity the centre is the individual?
But I am reading Henri de Lubac and he points out that the new idea introduced by Christianity was the belief in the salvation of all, e.g. ‘common destiny of mankind’, ‘salvation of the human race’ and ‘the whole universe cries out for its deliverance and is sure to obtain it’ (H. de Lubac Catholicism, ch V).
Please help me clarify my thinkung.