Is Confession a Wasted Sacrament? Are you fearful of it?

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People have problems with Confession , the Sacrament of Reconciliation .

The video below is a talk given by our bishop when he was an auxiliary bishop in Westminster .

I know it has helped others , and it may help you if you have fears about Confession , or maybe you think your Confessions are getting a bit routine or stale .

Reconciliation: Wasted Sacrament or Valued Gift?​

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It is most certainly a very underused sacrament, particularly these days, and also when compared to the numbers of ‘Sundays only’ attendees that ‘routinely’ partake of the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, seemingly without much, if any, preparation or thought - indeed, as if it were only a wafer {how very ‘protestant’].

My PP had the courage to reflect on this sorry state of affairs during his homily this last Sunday/yesterday.
Confession to a priest is often cathartic, since for one thing it forces us to ‘out’ our sins, bring them out into the open and confront the truth about our behaviour which we could otherwise happily ignore and bury.

The other aspect is that it provides us with what can sometimes be a difficult occasion of obedience. We may not have many chances as a rule to experience testing obedience.

I also feel that we do receive graces from following this sacrament and so it is of great spiritual value.

So no it’s not wasted at all! And I don’t fear confession as such anymore though I don’t relish it and I think it should be a little difficult really.
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When he explained the parable of the prodigal son it was eye opening. I never noticed that verse 17 sets up this is what the son was thinking and this is his plan. Verse 18 is the plan, it’s not him being perfectly contrite. Wow mind blowing. I’ve always done exactly what he said I skipped verse 17 and in my mind verse 18 showed that the son was truly sorry for what he had done. I never really understood being forgiven with imperfect contrition in the confessional until now.

Just wish the video you posted had a tracking bar on it so I could replay that section again over and over.


God Bless
I am very nervous in confession because it is embarrassing at times but afterwards I always feel like a burden has been lifted! Going behind the curtain has really helped me not be as nervous
Well technically, they will encounter a judge: the priest! He is judging your culpability, the gravity of your sins, and what an appropriate penance for your sins. Of course, that probably isn’t the type of judge Pope Francis is referring to.
“When you find a good confessor, hang on to him for dear life.” St Teresa of Avila

I had a good confessor, unfortunately he moved.

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Didn’t watch the video, but how anyone could ever make the statement: Is Confession a wasted Sacrament? is beyond my ability to comprehend! There isn’t a week that passes that I don’t thank the good Lord for this treasure of a Sacrament!!! What is going on in our beautiful Catholic Church today???
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It is wasted in that not enough people make enough use of it.

When things are going well, I’m usually a monthly visitor. When they are not I’m weekly.
I’ve tried to be good and try not to sin however if I went to confess right now the only thing I can honestly confess is the dream I had the other night unless procrastinanting about vacuuming is a sin. Mr 11 on the other hand could really do with going to confess but he’s to scared and worried and nervous mr 5 cant wait to.go to first reconcilliantion when he’s 7 beacuse then he can go to communion and be filled with Jesus.

I’ve gone to writing down everything that can possibly be a sin over the last month and they are all.silly things like dreams and procrastinating the vacuuming when I vacuumed the day before and sending mr 5 to Time out and holding my fiancee hand and giving him a.kiss and a cuddle but apparently we are supposed to go monthly am I supposed to confess all these little things
I keep telling myself and others this, but the alternative to confession doesn’t look too good.
it can be daunting for many, especially at first, but in the end that is what will liberate our souls
I’ve always had good experiences in Confession but I have known a person or two who was rudely talked to by the priest.
On the topic of confession ( didn’t really want to start a new thread sorry to derail)
So I’m at my parents at the moment a 2 hour drive away from where I live. Which means attending a different church tomorrow half an hour away from where they live. I would like to go up for communion tomorrow but know I possibly shouldnt unless I go to confession first ( couple of venial sins nothing major but that doesn’t stop me from feeling bad) so would It be acceptable for me to confess to a preist out side my parish.
On the topic of confession ( didn’t really want to start a new thread sorry to derail)
So I’m at my parents at the moment a 2 hour drive away from where I live. Which means attending a different church tomorrow half an hour away from where they live. I would like to go up for communion tomorrow but know I possibly shouldnt unless I go to confession first ( couple of venial sins nothing major but that doesn’t stop me from feeling bad) so would It be acceptable for me to confess to a preist out side my parish.
Venial sins for which one is sorry are forgiven through the reception of the Holy Eucharist.

Baltimore Catechism
Q. 896. Has the Holy Eucharist any other effect?
A. The Holy Eucharist remits venial sins by disposing us to perform acts of love and contrition. It preserves us from mortal sin by exciting us to greater fervor and strengthening us against temptation.
Catechism of the Catholic Church (contrition)
1452 … When it arises from a love by which God is loved above all else, contrition is called “perfect” (contrition of charity). Such contrition remits venial sins;
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