Is depression really real?

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I’m really hesitant to admit that I have a depression or is it just a phase.These past few weeks, my belief system is slowly crumbling as if I don’t believe in anything anymore. It’s affecting my work and also my time with my family. Does anyone also has this kind of experience?
Oh yes its real. My wife was diagnosed with depression and has to be on medication for it. It is a chemical imbalance. My depression is mostly environmental—meaning it isnt a the result of just a chemical imbalance but a result of continuous let downs, bad decisions, broken dreams and so forth. Medication can help either way.
Can you speak with your doctor. ?

It’s ok to be depressed. It’s ok that it’s real. There is help out there. And tools to manage it.

I hope you will seek help before you become totally worn out.
Too much stress and hard work takes it’s toll on emotions, relationships, feelings, faith, and health
Please look after yourself. May God bless and guide you.
Also, stay away from the news for a while. This would include political stations, whether you tend to agree with them or not.

Try to go for walks. Exercise helps with depression.

Also see if you can find a spiritual advisor.

If you are having a physical problem that causes pain and are taking pain pills, not sleeping, or drinking more, these can also cause depression. Your doctor may be able to prescribe a mild anti-depressant that will help you through.
My cousin just finished her medications for depression but she is still having some online therapy/counseling sessions with her therapist. She told me that the process is helping her a lot. She seems to be very ok now. You may want to consider that as an option too.
Ongoing heartbreak ,some good days some…
Tried mild antidepressant,adverse reactions so trying to go natural …exercise,hobbies,foods that help with serotonin ,visiting friends.
I think when you feel flat and find it hard to get out of bed
some days it’s a wake up call to try and be proactive before it becomes depression.
Prayers you get it righted soon
Depression is real. I currently live with it though I’ve been able to manage it.

When I’m in a depressive episode, my wife says that I’m a completely different person. She even says that I look different. My thinking is irrational and my behaviour is unpredictable.

Though you have to be careful not to label general sadness as a depressive disorder. We all become sad at times but depression is a re-wiring of the brain, often as a result of some kind of a loss in life. This affects your behaviour as well as your decision making process.

Some of the general symptoms of depression are:
  • sadness
  • anger
  • hopelessness
  • self-loathing
  • isolation
  • guilt
  • suicide
  • low energy
  • lack of confidence
Medication can help but only to a certain degree. Some react better than others but there are often side effects. It may keep you stable, but it’s only a bandaid solution and if the root causes are not addressed, then very little will change.

Talk therapy, perhaps with a cognitive behavioural approach (possibly combined with medication) is most helpful in severe cases. It will help in recognizing patterns of thinking and why you are feeling the way you are. But you must have an action plan or goals to work towards in life, changing habits, etc. Otherwise it will again, only stabilize your symptoms for a time.

Speak to your doctor and/or a therapist if you have some of the symptoms listed above. Consider speaking to your spiritual advisor if you have one or a life coach as well. God bless.
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Yes, depression is a real, medical condition.

Your condition may or may not be depression. If you suspect it is you should seek professional help.
To the OP. What you are describing sounds like real depression. See a doctor to get a proper diagnosis. I have been in treatment for a while and it can manifest differently in different people. A good doctor will help guide you. And pray. Know God is with you.

Not only is depression a medical condition, it is a feeling, and it is very real.

Remember you don’t need a diagnosis to feel what you are feeling, although, I think you should talk to your doctor.

And don’t ever condemn yourself for feeling what you’re feeling. Don’t ever disregard your feelings or bring yourself down because you’re feeling them. Don’t think you’re weaker, or lesser for having depression or seeking help. Because, you are NOT weak. And nobody else is going to condemn you for seeking help. People WANT to help.

As well, make sure you are surrounding yourself with positive influences and mentors. Surround yourself with God’s creation. Pray. Trust that he will carry you through this.
As MercyMe puts it, “You are Holy, You are Sacred, You are His.”
Don’t ever forget that. ❤️
God Bless!
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And it can take time to find the right therapist or treatment. But don’t give up in seeking help!
You are worthy of help! You are worthy of health!
Depression is most definitely real. I have dealt with depression for the last few years, and there are multiple ways to deal with your depression. Therapy and prayer were both key aspects in my salvation from it. I was lucky to have friends who made sure I had the help I needed, and a patient and supporting girlfriend who got me through the loss of loved ones. I am so grateful that God brought her into my life, and through her I believe I was shown the light.
PLEASE insist on a really throuogh physical check. I was misdiagnosed with depression for years until it was found I have a real physical illness that carries darkness. When I look after that ?
My diagnosis of major depressive disorder severe recurrent without psychotic features seems to say it is. I mean, it’s really hard to say so it has to be real right? I think that’s how medicine works.
I deeply believe that all mental problems, except those organic, are spiritual. However, I would never condemn pharmaceutical medications. I suffer from anxiety and depression and have found that solitude and Centering Prayer has just about cured me. Studying Christian and Jewish mysticism (e.g., the Tanya) has helped me tremendously. However, Adderall for my depression and Xanax for my anxiety still are necessary. I feel that my spiritual journey has been invaluable, and I truly feel that I’m on the road to recovery. A good part of ourselves is spiritual, but we are still in the physical bodies which makes medication sometimes necessary. From all my religious study, I believe our true home is in Heaven, and I’m most optimistic and joyful about my getting there!
Depression does exist. Been there, done that, still have issues at times.

If you are really suffering, please seek help.
Oh yes, depression is real.

I broke down with it 13 years ago and can’t quite get rid of it, despite all the therapy, meds, and what not. At first I could still work, but it got worse and worse so that I was forced into disability five years ago. Since then I’ve tried to get back on my feet several times but every time ended up in a closed psychiatric unit because I got badly suicidal.

I can recommend “The Catholic Guide to Depression” by Aaron Kheriaty. He’s been on Catholic Answers (the radio) several times (you might want to dig in the archives). There is both a soft cover and an electronic version of the book.
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