An acquaintance turned me on to a thinker whose work in mathematics and theoretical physics, in a search for the elusive “Theory of Everything”, has resulted in something called the theory of Emergence. The theory is based in mathematics and predicts new particles, so it is “testable” if those particles can be found.
The theory has some supposed implications (why they are implied I don’t know, I’m only a layman) and these are the implications:
The theory has some supposed implications (why they are implied I don’t know, I’m only a layman) and these are the implications:
The third item is obviously pantheistic fodder for New Age baloney.
- All points in time are connected in a causal loop, meaning the future can affect the past. Or as they say it, “all time affects all time all the time.”
- The base pixels of reality are tiny tetrahedrons that are connected to each other in accordance to the Golden Ratio, which may be the fundamental constant in the universe.
- There’s an underlying structure to reality that through emergence arose consciousness, which created itself as the universe.