Is fighting for a promotion greedy? prideful?

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The background. I started my current job about 2 years ago. At the time the plant I was workig in was closing, and so I needed a job. I have 7 years experience in the industry I work in and another 5 years experience in other manufacturing industries. I was hired as a Process Engineer.

Since I was hired (within the past year), 2 others have been hired. Neither had experience in the industry we work in, though both have about 10 years manufacturing experience, with a year or two in related industries.Both were hired as Senior Process Engineers. Both are women.

One works at another location and I don’t know well. The other I am good friends with. In my opinion, I perform better than she does - I show more initiative, more leadership, accomplish more and need less supervision. My 2 most recent reviews have said I am performing above my position. As best I can tell from our conversations, my friend is being rated at either acceptable or needs improvement.

My question - is it wrong for me to fight (hard) for a promotion to Senior Process Enginner. Neither woman would lose her job, it would simply be a promotion for me. Admittedly I am becoming rather resentful. I’m not sure if it’s something I should just offer up and suffer or should I fight for the promotion and find other employment if it’s not forthcoming?
In my opinion, I perform better than she does - I show more initiative, more leadership, accomplish more and need less supervision. My 2 most recent reviews have said I am performing above my position. As best I can tell from our conversations, my friend is being rated at either acceptable or needs improvement.
Well what I have extracted from your post indeed shows that there may be a little pride at work 😉 . Now show me one other person that is exempt from pride? Well then you are amongst us all dealing with the same emotions and situations.

There is nothing wrong with going for a promotion each and every time it comes up. You gotta understand that of course we all think we are best for the job because we want it.

I have just gone for a promotion to Assistant Principal for the second time and again the Lord has seen fit to do what is best for the school. I did not get it. I gave it my best shot, but in doing so also preceeded the move with a lot of prayer asking the Lord to do what was right for the school. I told Him that I realised that I was but one amongst many. Not the one amongst many.

In that frame of mind it was so easy for me to rejoice for the other person when they were promoted as I knew I had left the situation in the hands of my Lord and my God. I was actually able to embrace the successful candidate with joy on both occassions and communicate my delight for them after the news was released.

Now. Here is the interesting bit.
When my principal rang to tell my that I was unsuccessful the first time, I offered him my thanks and also my congratulations on the choice. I told him that the successful candidate was a highly professional young woman whose talents were obviously going to have a profoundly positive effect on the management of the school. It took him aback and he told me my words were very gracious.

The second time round he called me into the office sat me down and told me that I was one of the most honest and modest people he had evey worked with. He also said that he respected me for it and that he would never want me to change cause he really admired me for it. He told me that he knew a lot of people looked up to me and that he would love to see the day when I would be welcomed amongst the senior management of the school. He gave me a few pointers or food for thought on how I would need to consider maybe doing a diploma in educational management over the summer months etc…

Now that discourse really brought tears to my eyes cause I began to realise that these Christ like qualities do have a profound effect on people and that is where the real challenge in life lies. Until this moment I did not realise that the grace of Christ was actually working within me.

I now know there is no failure in being unsuccessful in attaining promotion. True failure is only present when the mind and heart of Christ are left out of decisions and life situations that perhaps without him would be very difficult to tolerate.
All you can do is your best…that is enough. Years back when my friend was up and most elligible for advancement someone else much less eligible got the promotion. This happened because of ‘alota butt kissin’ to a JERK boss. After the JERK boss retired and a fair and reasonable boss was hired in my friend finally recieved the promo he deserved. This goes to show that sometimes even our best efforts aren’t enough to get that promo. Keep up the good work ethics anyway and don’t always get wound up in the business of promotions. You will be much happier. It maybe time to look for a new place to work if a boss is repeatedly abusive or unfair. Much depends on what is at stake.
why should you not have pride in your work? Would you like to jump out of a plane with a parachute packed by someone who was ASHAMED of his work?

Do your work with pride. Don’t be afraid to call attention to your performance, nor to the fact that you feel you deserve promotion.
If you are truthful, and honest, there is nothing wrong with “fighting for” or asking for a promotion.

Unfortunately some managers or bosses don’t see things as we do or even as most of our co-workers do. My wife just got passed over recently (as related on another of these threads) and she was very upset by this and rightly so, to the point of quiting as you mentioned.

You have to judge how much you like your job, like your co-workers etc. There ar 4 or 5 things that goes into an ideal job, boss, location, what you are doing and co-workers, (money but only if it is way too low) IF you miss 2 or more then it is not the right job. IF you miss the pronotion you should re-evaluate your job.

At this point in my career, I really don’t go after any promotions. So I am never disappointed. So what, I didn’t get the position I did NOT apply for. It’s a much easier way to live.

I have no aspirations to move up into management, and I never really had before. I may have accepted IF asked, but no one ever asked and I never sought it, so here I am, happy where I am (and hope to retire in a few years probably in the same position).

IF you really want that position, you have to convince management that you are the right guy for the job, and a few prayers wouldn’t hurt either. I’ll say a prayer for you.

Christ’s Peace.
BTW being 2 years into a job is not very long (my wife was passed over afetr 15 years in her position). You may just have to be a little more patient. You may ask WHEN you can get a promotion as opposed to demanding one right away.
BTW being 2 years into a job is not very long.
No. But I wasn’t upset until they hired the woman off the street into the Senior position with no experience.

Thanks everyone for the advice.
As long as you are honest, and don’t misrepresent yourself and your achievements, skills and abilities,
  • AND -
you sincerely want what’s best for your coworkers, and your employer, as well as yourself and your family,

then it’s fine to try for a promotion. And if someone else gets it instead of you, you should be happy for them.
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