Is FOCUS college ministry controversial?

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I live in a liberal diocese and understand that FOCUS is not welcome at several Catholic coleges here. One chaplain scoffed at it as fundamentalist. I thought OK but this is a diocese where there are “Goddess” rosaries.

But I heard the founder of FOCUS acknowledge some bishops/dioscese are not open to FOCUS.

Unfortunately Martin did not explain why the opposition. It was not a call-in show or I would have called in and asked why the opposition from some within the church.

Anyone know of how FOCUS is seen by controversial by some?
My recommendation is that you go to their website ( and find out for yourself what they do. My experience with FOCUS (they had a team on my campus) has been very good - orthodox yet open to various spiritualities (as long as they are OK-ed by the Church).
Every movement or apostolate that seeks to be seriously faithful to Christ is controversial. That shouldn’t scandalize us, since Jesus himself has always been controversial.
You can’t please everybody, so there’s no use trying. As Catholics, our goal is to please God, not men.
I’m not entirely sure why some dioceses are not open to FOCUS, but I can say that God is using FOCUS in remarkable ways! FOCUS has changed my life. I would likely not have the relationship with Christ that I have now if FOCUS hadn’t been on my campus when I started school.

I recently just returned from the FOCUS 2010 National Conference in Orlando, FL, where 4000 Catholic college students gathered to learn more about their faith and worship God! One of the evenings included adoration and confession. Seventy priests were on deck to hear confession that evening. They began at 9 pm and ended near 1:30 am. About 2500 students went to confession that evening. God healed many hearts. Some of the students hadn’t been to confession since their confirmation!

If your campus has FOCUS, I strongly encourage you to get involved!!!
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