Then why do we keep referring to him as our Father in Heaven. Even Jesus seems to be confused on this issue. And as far as Mary being our Mother. She being in another realm where Motherhood is not the same as on Earth I suppose. All of the non theologian Catholics I know think of God, Mary, etc. as loving parents like human parents. They would be completely turned off by that unknowable, mysterious, nonhuman God that the theologians make him out to be.
Read this part again:
God’s Fatherhood and human fatherhood are not univocal. They are analogous.
Let’s take one more analogy. We call both multiplication of natural numbers and multiplication of matrices “multiplication”, both addition of natural numbers and addition of vectors “addition”, and there are reasons to do so. But there are also differences. For example, multiplication of natural numbers is associative, while matrix multiplication is not.
So, in effect, you might as well be demanding: “Then why do we keep referring to this matrix operation as multiplication.”.
I do not credit God with giving us food, shelter, clothing, etc. Everything given to me as a child was given by a caring parent who worked long and hard to do so. Where is all the good God has given to the starving people in Ethiopia?
In fact, your third sentence here is an
answer to the first two, and not something that supports them.
For just think about it: is the problem that those parents in Ethiopia do not love their children? No, the problem is that they have no food, shelter or clothing to give. Thus, while the parents get the credit for giving all that to their children, there is much more credit to be given out. The ones who grow the food, build the shelter, make the clothing - they also should get the credit. Then the ones who make that food, shelter and clothing available to the parents (shopkeepers and real estate agents, truck drivers and advertisers) should also get the credit. Then we should also give credit to the politicians and bankers, policemen and managers, who keep the economic system (that allows all that) in existence. And then we also have to give credit to God, who keeps the whole Universe (that includes that food, shelter, clothing, raw materials, workers etc.) in existence. And who has created it. And who gives His grace to the fallen humans, so that they could actually work together to achieve those results - at least a little.
So, as you can see, it is not right to give all the credit to the parents alone.