Is God also Order?

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I have come to a dilemma. My personal philosophy is to live an orderly life and to see order in the world as manifestations or symbols of God’s orderly creation. However, if He created all things, could He not also have created Chaos? My main question is whether God is also the Ultimate Order.
God is the source of order, but it might not make sense to apply order to him because there are no “parts” to be ordered. I think chaos also has a part in creation, since it is the “chaos” of molecules, for instance, that allow them to come to equilibrium, such as with osmosis which is very important for cells.
By chaos, do you mean something like a form of existence where causality doesn’t exist?

Separate and distinct from such kind of “true” chaos, chaos theory is an actual thing, and many physical, real world systems can exhibit such a behavior.
I have come to a dilemma. My personal philosophy is to live an orderly life and to see order in the world as manifestations or symbols of God’s orderly creation. However, if He created all things, could He not also have created Chaos? My main question is whether God is also the Ultimate Order.
Yes and yes. Why “chaos”, both in theory and in the physical universe, doesn’t seem to conform to classical mechanics isn’t known. It is in this relative context that it is viewed as or named “chaos”. But I don’t think it means it couldn’t be part of a process that just isn’t understood. “Chaos” is a word and a concept. While this is descriptive, I don’t see that it explains anything.
I have come to a dilemma. My personal philosophy is to live an orderly life and to see order in the world as manifestations or symbols of God’s orderly creation. However, if He created all things, could He not also have created Chaos? My main question is whether God is also the Ultimate Order.
Yes, I think you coud say that because God is the author of the order in the universe. And order is god and God is Goodness Itself. But there is no chaos. Some things seem chaotic only because of the weakness of our wisdom and intelligence.

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