Is God calling me to be a priest?

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Hi, I am not yet a Catholic but in August I plan on starting RCIA (even though I have been studying the church since I was 15). I feel a strong pull towards priest hood. I really want to be a priest! Its something I would absolutely love to do! My strongest pull factor is that I don’t just want to be a catholic on sundays… If I become a catholic I want to completely immerse myself into the church. Study and reading about the church is the only passion I really have! I just want everything around me to be Catholicism! The priest hood just seems so amazing to me! The only thing is im afraid to ask God “if you want me to be a priest then let the next homily be about vocations” because if its not then I don’t know If God wants me to be even though I want to so bad! I need a lot of help! When I pray I thank God then beg for God to show me truth but I don’t see him answering my prayers… Please help me!
Hi, I am not yet a Catholic but in August I plan on starting RCIA (even though I have been studying the church since I was 15). I feel a strong pull towards priest hood. I really want to be a priest! Its something I would absolutely love to do! My strongest pull factor is that I don’t just want to be a catholic on sundays… If I become a catholic I want to completely immerse myself into the church. Study and reading about the church is the only passion I really have! I just want everything around me to be Catholicism! The priest hood just seems so amazing to me! The only thing is im afraid to ask God “if you want me to be a priest then let the next homily be about vocations” because if its not then I don’t know If God wants me to be even though I want to so bad! I need a lot of help! When I pray I thank God then beg for God to show me truth but I don’t see him answering my prayers… Please help me!
Congratulations on your obvious love for the faith! If I may ask, what is your daily prayer life like? Specifically, when do you pray? What is this prayer time like?
Congratulations on your obvious love for the faith! If I may ask, what is your daily prayer life like? Specifically, when do you pray? What is this prayer time like?
I pray at least two times every day on my commute to school and before I go to sleep. My drive to school I pray on the quite ride there and usually I thank God for what he’s given me and then beg for truth. Before bed I usually listen to the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles (they help me sleep) I tun them on before I pray and listen to them while I pray and usually I thank God for what he’s given me and then beg for truth. I usually ask for the holy spirit to make a clear path for me.
First of all, congratulations! It’s always awesome to know someone is preparing his/herself to swim across the Tiber to be received into Holy Mother Church. I’ll be sure that you are included in my prayers.

Secondly, on the question of the priesthood, as someone who is also discerning to that call, I’d adivse you to calm down a bit on the thought and think it through.

Quoting from yourself:
The only thing is im afraid to ask God “if you want me to be a priest then let the next homily be about vocations” because if its not then I don’t know If God wants me to be even though I want to so bad!
On first point, don’t do that. That is putting God to the test, and isn’t benefitial to either you or Him. Second, I’m not sure you are totally aware of the trials and the cross that is carried by those chosen to receive the sacrament of Holy Orders. The holy priesthood isn’t easy - it will require of you a life of perpetual obedience and chastity, as well as a life totally centered on God and His sheep. Even some of the most saintly people you’ll ever meet wouldn’t be able to do it. 👍

Third point, make a serious reflection and discernment on your vocation. There are other ways to immerse yourself into Church life that aren’t necessarily the priesthood. Lay men have their own movements and groups with a certain charism and spirituality (I personally have been accused of attempting to join every group in my diocese :D) that might fit you just fine. A holy marriage with a faithful and loving wife can also bolster your faith and put you closer to Heaven than the priesthood ever could put you. Or maybe you’re called to be a simple lay monk, without Holy Orders. The options are really, really varied, and you need to discern them in good conscience.

Don’t fix yourself in any state of life just yet, and be ready to face the possibility of being directed by Our Lord into a direction that you did not desire, or did not expect at first, whilst you’re discerning. You have been already chosen for a certain state of life in order for you to answer the universal calling of holiness, and this is all about finding out what it is. This isn’t much about what state of life seems the most appealing or the most ‘awesome’ to live, it’s about bearing the cross of your calling so you can enjoy the glory of being one of the Chosen of the Lamb. And that implies that your life won’t be easy in any human standards!👍

With that out of the way, I’ll now go ahead and give you more pratical advise on the matter. First, once you’re fully in the Church, confess often, at least once a month (don’t go into scrupulous mode over your sins either, at least not preferrably, even though that’s a phase we all go through eventually), and go to Mass whenever you can, ready to receive Holy Communion. Next, consecrate yourself to the Blessed Mother and entrust Her to guide you to your vocation. Believe me, she’s one heck of a help! 😉 pray the Rosary (at least five mysteries, in the traditional order) every day, or gain the habit in order to be able to do so. And, most importantly, get a trustworthy spiritual director that knows you well, and follow his insctructions and advise obediently. Speak with the vocations director of your diocese and talk about your interest into the priesthood, as he might help you.

Most important of all, be open minded to any possible vocation. That’s much harder than you might think. Keep checking your path and confirm with Our Lord that you’re in the right one. If you go to the seminary, keep confirming that you’re doing God’s will, even if you’re one month short of becoming a Deacon. Seminaries, apart from forming priests, also expand and develop exponentially one’s prayer life and knowledge of the Faith. Do not underestimate that, and face the possibility that God might be calling you there temporarily for you to have this development you need for your sainthood, and not necessarily to become a priest. 👍

Apart from that, pray, be faithful, and intend nothing more other than your service to Our Lord, and everything will fall in place. I’ll keep you in my prayers. God bless!
May God bless you. Your spirit is strong. I am praying that you will find the right path.
First of all, congratulations! It’s always awesome to know someone is preparing his/herself to swim across the Tiber to be received into Holy Mother Church. I’ll be sure that you are included in my prayers.
Thank you for your comment but I honestly feel that this is my dream job. “a life totally centered on God and His sheep” That is one of the reasons I want to be a priest. I want to completely serve God and feed his sheep. I want to stand up and educate the people and most of all I want to bring God to the people. I want a constant life of worship and prayer. I want this complete “immersment” in Holy Mother Church. Celibacy isn’t much of a problem because Ive never been very “sexual” and I just feel very strong about it. I don’t know and I love what you said about not testing God that really answers a question for me!
God Bless You! Your passion is very evident. I’m a believer in “eating the apple one bite at a time” as my mom used to say. Go through your RCIA. Join a study group in your parish or the Diocese. Talk extensively with your priest. Listen when you pray. I find if I silently sit for a while and just listen, God has an amazing way of leading me in the right direction. I will pray for you and your journey. You sound like an amazing person!
Well your in luck. You don’t have to be a Priest in order not to just be Catholic on Sundays.

Get married and have 10 kids. 👍
I think you better tackle RCIA and finishing school first.
I was just received into the Church and I’m in the same boat- I have a strong attraction to priesthood and/or religious life. I also have an equally strong attraction to marriage. My first piece of advise is to get confirmed before you start any serious discernment. Then, find a good spiritual director to meet with regularly; he will help guide you along the discernment process. Plus, he may see qualities in you that you didn’t even know you have!

Keep in mind that your attraction to the priesthood may wear off. Lots of men who convert are very excited when they first enter the Church and are eager to serve God in any way possible. As one priest told me, let the chrism oil soak in for a while before you make any big decisions.
It’s a rather “romantic” notion to think you are called to the priesthood even before completing basic classes.
I think you are in love with the idea.
The reality is very difficult. Beautiful yes. Rewarding, yes.Spiritually fulfilling, yes.
But not easy.
The educational aspect is rigorous. The emotional aspect is tough at times. The part where you deal with people’s problems…huge problems, can be very hard. It takes a great deal of maturity, study, humility, piety, self-confidence, compassion, and a fair amount of business sense if one becomes a pastor.
It’s not all prayers all day. You can be separated from your parents and siblings for long periods. You can be assigned to a difficult parish, or an incredibly poor parish and feel helpless about not being able to help people more.
In short, I’m not saying you can’t do it…but it’s so far off at this moment.
I would simply ask God to show his Holy Will…do my best in RCIA, read, study, get a good spiritual director, and wait.
And pray those who are in formation. Selflessness and self-giving are a big part of becoming a priest.
Best wishes!
Pray the rosary everyday. If you do, you will never be led astray. Give yourself to the Mother of God, and she will bring you to Christ, her son. God bless you on your faith journey. Talk to plenty of priests about this. The pastor for my parish talked about vocations and young people in his homily last Sunday. He brought up the words of Pope Francis to young people: “You must leave yourselves behind”. The Pastor for my parish said if he could do his priesthood all over again he would. Those words are very inspiring to me and really gets me thinking about the priesthood.
It’s a rather “romantic” notion to think you are called to the priesthood even before completing basic classes.
I think you are in love with the idea.
The reality is very difficult. Beautiful yes. Rewarding, yes.Spiritually fulfilling, yes.
But not easy.
The educational aspect is rigorous. The emotional aspect is tough at times. The part where you deal with people’s problems…huge problems, can be very hard. It takes a great deal of maturity, study, humility, piety, self-confidence, compassion, and a fair amount of business sense if one becomes a pastor.
It’s not all prayers all day. You can be separated from your parents and siblings for long periods. You can be assigned to a difficult parish, or an incredibly poor parish and feel helpless about not being able to help people more.
In short, I’m not saying you can’t do it…but it’s so far off at this moment.
I would simply ask God to show his Holy Will…do my best in RCIA, read, study, get a good spiritual director, and wait.
And pray those who are in formation. Selflessness and self-giving are a big part of becoming a priest.
Best wishes!
Thats the thing is I want a rigorous education! My free time is completely absorbed by the study of scripture and the church. If I could do that the entire time during school then I would! Its the only thing I have a real passion for. I can’t say I would be ready for the trials (even jesus was scared to be put on that cross!) but I know God would lead me through them! I know the priest hood isn’t all Eucharist an rosary but its actual sacrifice and thats what I want! I want my life to be completely given to God! I want to feel actual sacrifice like Christ (not that I could ever compare to his) but just this laying down my life for the priesthood is something amazing I want to do! I just cant express in words how I feel about it but I have stayed up mights wondering about if God really wants me to do this and in just writing this reply I feel he does! The problem is that I graduate next year and I need to apply to colleges this fall so I need to know wether or not this is something God wants me to do soon so I can start straight out of High School. I have an appointment with a priest this tuesday to talk about some questions I have and I think i’m going to talk to him about the priest hood…
I think you better tackle RCIA and finishing school first.
The problem is that I graduate next year and I need to apply to colleges this fall so I need to know wether or not this is something God wants me to do soon so I can start straight out of High School. I have an appointment with a priest this tuesday to talk about some questions I have and I think i’m going to talk to him about the priest hood…
Some Diocese require a Bachelor’s degree first.
Good to speak to a priest and possibly a vocations director to see what the requirements are where you reside.
Likely they will want to you to get some more basic education under our belt.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t pray as Johnny recommends.
Some Diocese require a Bachelor’s degree first.
Good to speak to a priest and possibly a vocations director to see what the requirements are where you reside.
Likely they will want to you to get some more basic education under our belt.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t pray as Johnny recommends.
Yea I just don’t know about “Give yourself to the Mother of God” Mary is my biggest stumbling block…
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