Unfortunately I have to provide a long post to open the discussion on a few critical concepts namely what is a true set, what is anomaly, what is infinite regression, how it could be resolve and at finally to question of God and creation.
Lets stick to words for sake of clarity. Lets assume that you are thinking of a subject matter which requires a framework for explanation. For example the idea of God and creation. Let assume that you build your framework which consist of set of sentences that you could comprehend. The set is defined to be true if each sentence and the words within are well defined. So we have one main column that a framework stands on, namely defineability.
We however sometimes cannot establish a framework which is true because of our perspectives is not correct, meaning that we cannot find a set of sentences which completely explain the subject matter meaning that there are observables in subject matter that cannot be explained by the framework so called anomaly… Anomaly from now on is an inexplicable observable withing a framework which is not definable within the framework, simply unsolvable problem.
The set could become complete if the anomalies within are resolvable by the process so called infinite regression regularization.
Lets go back to our problem of God and creation to understand what we mean. We can simply experience external world so called universe so without doubt we can say that it exist. One question that comes to mind is that where did our universe come from? The correctness of this question is subject to discussion but assume that it is correct which means that our universe had a beginning namely we have to cut the existence of all beings at a point namely beginning. One of the idea that could comes to our mind is to assume that an agent so called God created our universe at the time of beginning. God in this picture is an anomaly because it is undefinable yet needed to complete the picture.
Now lets see how infinite regression can resolve the problem. We first have to assume that God existed, namely there existed a state of existence that solely contained God. At the point of creation we have two state of existence namely God and God+creation. This seems to be correct but it is not since the the above mentioned state should exist prior to act creation to allow the act the creation possible. This means that another God lets say, God’ should first create creation’=(God and God+creation) at the first step in order to that God could create creation at the point creation. This however does not resolve the problem since we again are faced with two state of existence namely God’ and God’+creation’ which clearly leads to an infinite set of Gods so called infinite regression.
This problem can be resolved if one assumes that God=God’=God’’=… which means that anomalies are resolved. This however leave another problem open which is the problem of in and out namely, how God could be in an state of existence at the same create itself which is logical fallacy.
So the only solution to the problem is to assume that God=/=God’=/=God’=/’=… Moreover one need to assume that God<God’<God’’<… which is necessary condition since it is logically wrong that God could create itself but lesser. The sufficient condition for a perfect creation is that all Gods knowledge should have been left behind so the creation can function perfectly well, otherwise we need Gods intervention always which is contradictory to perfection of God hence God is dead.
Lets stick to words for sake of clarity. Lets assume that you are thinking of a subject matter which requires a framework for explanation. For example the idea of God and creation. Let assume that you build your framework which consist of set of sentences that you could comprehend. The set is defined to be true if each sentence and the words within are well defined. So we have one main column that a framework stands on, namely defineability.
We however sometimes cannot establish a framework which is true because of our perspectives is not correct, meaning that we cannot find a set of sentences which completely explain the subject matter meaning that there are observables in subject matter that cannot be explained by the framework so called anomaly… Anomaly from now on is an inexplicable observable withing a framework which is not definable within the framework, simply unsolvable problem.
The set could become complete if the anomalies within are resolvable by the process so called infinite regression regularization.
Lets go back to our problem of God and creation to understand what we mean. We can simply experience external world so called universe so without doubt we can say that it exist. One question that comes to mind is that where did our universe come from? The correctness of this question is subject to discussion but assume that it is correct which means that our universe had a beginning namely we have to cut the existence of all beings at a point namely beginning. One of the idea that could comes to our mind is to assume that an agent so called God created our universe at the time of beginning. God in this picture is an anomaly because it is undefinable yet needed to complete the picture.
Now lets see how infinite regression can resolve the problem. We first have to assume that God existed, namely there existed a state of existence that solely contained God. At the point of creation we have two state of existence namely God and God+creation. This seems to be correct but it is not since the the above mentioned state should exist prior to act creation to allow the act the creation possible. This means that another God lets say, God’ should first create creation’=(God and God+creation) at the first step in order to that God could create creation at the point creation. This however does not resolve the problem since we again are faced with two state of existence namely God’ and God’+creation’ which clearly leads to an infinite set of Gods so called infinite regression.
This problem can be resolved if one assumes that God=God’=God’’=… which means that anomalies are resolved. This however leave another problem open which is the problem of in and out namely, how God could be in an state of existence at the same create itself which is logical fallacy.
So the only solution to the problem is to assume that God=/=God’=/=God’=/’=… Moreover one need to assume that God<God’<God’’<… which is necessary condition since it is logically wrong that God could create itself but lesser. The sufficient condition for a perfect creation is that all Gods knowledge should have been left behind so the creation can function perfectly well, otherwise we need Gods intervention always which is contradictory to perfection of God hence God is dead.