The answer is NO! The moslems and the jews do not worship the smae God. We, catholics, worship a trinitarian God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit - this is the revelation of God about himself.
In the Old Testament, God didn’t want to revelate himself as Holy Trinity because there was the danger for the Israel’s people to fall in politheism, but in the Old Testament took place a Theophany (Epiphany) when the three men came to Abraham - that was the Holy Trinity.
In the Christian regligion God revealed himself in his whole splendour , so if there is somebody who denies that God is one in Holy Trinity, he doesn’t worship the true God.
PS: Jesus saied: “I’m the Way, the Truth and the Life” and only through Him we can worship the true God.
Jesus applied to himself the NAME of the JEWISH God (“I am that which is”) and is a JEWISH Meshiah born of a young JEWISH virgin betrothed of a man descended from King David. Jesus was raised as an observant Jew, was an observant Jew, and chose 12 observant Jews as Disciples. And, when his final meal was a Jewish Sedar, celebrating the Miraculous Release from bondage and the 1st Covenant with the God of Israel.
Besides that, St. Paul, writing in the 2nd Letter to Timothy says, " All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work." II Tim 3:16-17 NAB When he wrote that, he was referring to the Old Testament.
Regarding Islam - I’m not as worried about the God the moderates worship as the I am with what the one the Islamist Extremists worship orders them to do. They believe that “Allah” orders them to kill “Kafirs” (Accursed Infidels/unbelievers), even babies, until those infidels submit and become their brand of Muslims.That’s how they’ve justified the wanton slaughter 2 million of African Christians and Animists in Southern Sudan along with the sale of nearly 350,000 into SLAVERY duringf the past 18 years by the government of Sudan and Islamist militias acting on its behalf.
Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders - World Islamic Front Statement
Dhimmitude Past and Present :Ê An Invented or Real History?
Christians in Islamic Countries
by Giuseppe De Rosa S.I.,2393,41931,00.html
PROJECT OPEN BOOK - Documenting the Persecution of Christians in the Islamic World
Twenty-first Century African Slaves Ð In the Land of Islam
by Sandro Magister,2393,42015,00.html
VIA News: Sudan
Mass rape atrocity in west Sudan
Saudi Arabia International Religious Freedom Report
June 2004
History points finger at revenge for lost Moor kingdom
By Isambard Wilkinson in Madrid
(Filed: 13/03/2004)
A Warning to Muslims against the Bid’ahs Preached by Muhammad Ibn 'Abdi-l-Wahhab
by Shaykh Abdul Hadi Palazzi and Zubair Qamar
MUSLIM Refusnik
Please note, 2 of the articles are from the Vatican and at least 2 are MUSLIMS.
My other concern is that the various Islamic groups seem to spend more time defending Islam and condemning those who point out what I just posted than they do condemning those who go around slaughtering innocent people, which they seem to do VERY RARELY.
My fear is that Moderate Muslims are not doing their duty and driving the extremists from their mosques and their communities, and, all too often, may be approving of at least some of the fowl and evil deads they do.
That’s my 4 cents worth (inflation).
In Him, Michael