Is God within us? POLL?

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A very thought provoking poll, White Dove.

I think choice 3 is the closest answer. The state of the soul is intimately tied to the life of grace. Without sanctifying grace, first instilled within us in baptism, we cannot go to heaven. The life of grace is a share the life of God. While we must cooperate with grace, grace is freely givenā€¦which means God does not have to give it.

Of course, we share especially in Godā€™s life when we receive the Holy Eucharist, for God is in us in a most wondrous way. All of the sacraments are gateways to this share in Godā€™s lifeā€“truly within us.

Again, a very interesting question, and a good one for this season of Advent when we are awaiting the coming of Emanuelā€“God with us.
God is in us if we allow Him in That is why He gave us a free will, whether to accept Him or reject Himā€¦He is looking for vessels who are willing and open to recieve Him. Scripture says we [christians] are the temple of the living God. šŸ‘
space ghost:
I guess technically from the moment we are baptizedā€¦ šŸ‘
Yep.You had a Holy Spirit fuse put in just waiting for it to explode. šŸ˜ƒ
Ecce Homo:
A very thought provoking poll, White Dove.

I think choice 3 is the closest answer. The state of the soul is intimately tied to the life of grace. Without sanctifying grace, first instilled within us in baptism, we cannot go to heaven. The life of grace is a share the life of God. While we must cooperate with grace, grace is freely givenā€¦which means God does not have to give it.

Of course, we share especially in Godā€™s life when we receive the Holy Eucharist, for God is in us in a most wondrous way. All of the sacraments are gateways to this share in Godā€™s lifeā€“truly within us.

Again, a very interesting question, and a good one for this season of Advent when we are awaiting the coming of Emanuelā€“God with us.
I like your answer!šŸ‘
Yep.You had a Holy Spirit fuse put in just waiting for it to explode. šŸ˜ƒ
hereā€™s hoping my fuse has a circuit breakerā€¦ šŸ‘
The Divine is within us and without us, permeating every aspect of creation.
Dear friend

Our Divine life in God starts at the point of Baptism. At Baptism we receive the Truine God by the power of the Holy Spirit in our souls and from this point on if we are free from mortal sin, the Truine God dwells in our hearts and souls within us. God comes to us and makes a home in us. In reconciliation God in His mercy restores our souls to a new and perfect place for Him to dwell in. We are in Him and He is in us. He is in heaven and on earth, God is as we know omnipresent.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Dear friend

Our Divine life in God starts at the point of Baptism. At Baptism we receive the Truine God by the power of the Holy Spirit in our souls and from this point on if we are free from mortal sin, the Truine God dwells in our hearts and souls within us. God comes to us and makes a home in us. In reconciliation God in His mercy restores our souls to a new and perfect place for Him to dwell in. We are in Him and He is in us. He is in heaven and on earth, God is as we know omnipresent.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

This is a beautiful. God bless.
"With creation, God does not abandon his creatures to themselves. He not only gives them being and existence, but also at every moment, upholds them and sustains them in being, enables them to act and brings them to their final end. Recognizing this utter dependence with respect to the Creator is a source of wisdom and freedom, of joy and confidence:

ā€œFor you love all things that exist, and detest none of the things that you have made; for you would not have made anything had you hated it. How would anything have endured, if you had not willed it? Or how would anything not called forth by you have been preserved? You spare all things, for they are yours, O Lord, you who love the livingā€
(From the CCC)

So although we are not God, without God we are nothing at all.
Nothing exists apart from God, so God is in all things and sustains all things. God is in all. You remember the story of the household of Cornelius, which was filled with the Holy Spirit prior to their baptism. God does not depend upon baptism to confer his life. All that is evil ā€“ it is nothingness. As I write this, though, I remember a quote from CS Lewisā€™ Screwtape Letters in which Screwtape refers to God, ā€œHe, without whom nothing is strongā€ā€¦ to which the demon Screwtape goes on to say that if God can be gotten out of the picture, nothing is very strong, indeed!

Nevertheless, in baptism, you are baptized into the death of Jesus. It is a drowning ceremony. Being a sacrament, the sign is the reality of what is happening ā€“ you give up your life in the flesh to be hidden in the life of God and the Body of Christ. The joy is in realizing that you gave up nothing but your blindness to the truth of the utter gift from God that your life has always been.
Dear Oregon,
Thanks esp for your thoughtful reply. All the replies were beautiful, but yourā€™s esp rings a bell in my heart. šŸ™‚
The Holy Spirit is much like Lazarus for most of mankind he seemed asleep for four thousand years or one of Godā€™s days in our hearts till Jesus called Him forth and ask the Church to loose him and let Him go. God Bless
The Holy Spirit is much like Lazarus for most of mankind he seemed asleep for four thousand years or one of Godā€™s days in our hearts till Jesus called Him forth and ask the Church to loose him and let Him go. God Bless
We donā€™t loose the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who frees us. Especially in light of the Creed, ā€œHe has spoken through the prophetsā€ā€¦ well, Iā€™ll admit, I donā€™t think I understand exactly what you are saying.
To try to understand the Holy Spirit is not what we should be about but rather hearing and obeying Jesus who speaks to us through the Holy Spirit, we recieved at Baptism. If we have life we know that it is from God but we are like part of a whole we are only half and not whole. In a marrage it is a 50, 50 relationship coming together to be more than each of us individualy. How can one chase one thousand and two chase ten thousand. Our souls are joined to a portion of the Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth but if we do not listen to the Holy Spirit we may as well be like Lazarus asleep in the tomb for all the good we will do for the Kingdom of God. Martha who represents the natural part of all of us is a good example, who tries to take Mary away from listening to Jesus and working in the natural to please God but Jesus says to Martha ā€œMary has chosen the better portionā€.
This still is not enough however for as Martha may represent the mind of mankind and Mary the soul, it is Lazarus who represents the Power of the Holy Spirit alive and active in the trinity of our being. It was 4 thousand years after the fall till Jesus came to restore the relationship of mankind to God but after He would leave He promised to send a comforter who would lead us into all truth.
So after Lazarus laid down four days and Jesus call Him to come forth and He ask the faithful to loose Him and let Him go, this was a great symbol of how soon by His death burial and resurection and going to heaven to sit at the right hand of the father, Jesus would give back to mankind what was lost in the garden, the union of God the Father and mankind through the Holy Spirit. Iā€™m not saying that the Holy Spirit was asleep four thousand years but it was mankind that had lost the ability to see Him and to know him so as far as they were concerned He was dead to them. This is echoed by many in this neo pagan world today who think God is dead just because they donā€™t know how to approach the thrown of grace by repentance and baptism into the Kingdom of God and recieve the Holy Spirit so as to have a marrage with God. Jesus prayed that as He is in the Father that we might be in Him and as the Father is in Him that He might be in us. God Bless
We are made in His image and likeness, so I would tend to say God is with us (inside and out). However, with our free will, we choose to have Him reveal Himself to us in all that we do. If God was NOT with us, then the entire universe would not exist because of the miracle of gravity and the fact that the planet Earth is delicately placed and controlled. Any amount of variance, in the % of oxygen, distance from the sun, and g-forces were just (that much off), we wouldnā€™t exist.

Emmanuel! God IS with us! The Kingdom of God is at hand!

Go with God!
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