Truth resides in the intellect, not in objects.
Truth to the intellect is about knowing objects as they are rather than knowing something other than the object and calling it the object known.
Truth can vary either if my opinion about the object says I know it differently now, even though the object remains the same as it always was, or if the object changes but my opinion says it is the same as it always was (not apprehending the change).
The only place where there would be non-subjective truth of the knower of truth knowing the object without a discrepancy between the knowing and the object itself is in the Divine intellect. There is truth in God’s intellect because he knows what is really real and is not “confused”. The “objects” he knows are always exactly as he knows them.
Because the truth we know was “learned” through sensitive apprehension of objective reality, and reasoning about it, we are subject to varying recognition of the fullness of truth, and always returning to re-apprehend the real things to compare to our knowing of them, improving our opinions, our understandings, of truth. Truth is subjective for us, mutable, because we are subjects examining to know, and because the material from which we know is always in movement. The immutable has come among us, which we know as Catholics, but I won’t get into that here - yet there is One who can be apprehended and does not change, within our material reality from which we come to know truth.