Is Harry Potter Sinnful?

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I was just wondering if I could get some oppinions about whether or not it is sinnful to read the Harry Potter books, and watch the movies? I know that they are about witchcraft, but is it okay to read them, knowing that they are fiction?

I am sure that letting young children, who do not quite understand the difference between reality and fantisy, is not a good idea … but for an older student who understands that real witchcraft is against God, is it alright to read and enjoy the liturature???

Hope you all feel the blessings of the Lord! God Bless
  • Stefanie Rae Cecilia
NO, as long as the reader understand this is pure fuction. That there are witches out there and witchcraft is wrong and you do not embrace the idea that Witca (in any form) is good.

But why would you want too when there are so many good Catholic and Christian fiction books out there?
I let my son read the series starting at age 9. He really loved the books. We have discussed that it is fiction and that we don’t believe in magic in that way.

Recently I have read many complaints about the books. I read them too, at least 4 of them. I don’t see the harm, compared to T.V. and some of the other entertainment out there for kids.

Actully, since reading the Harrry Potter books he learned to love reading. He reads constantly. I might be wrong, but I dont’ see the harm.
I don’t believe that the HP books or films are sinful at all. There are a lot of very Christian themes at work when you look past the “scenery” of the witchcraft, such as loyalty, bravery, the timeless struggle of good versus evil, love as the most powerful force of all, etc… there are really too many good points for me to name.

As a K-6 public school teacher, I have seen the Harry Potter phenomenon firsthand, illuminating the features of children eager to read – many of them for the first time in their lives. I have also seen them adopt some of the finer qualities of the heroes in the stories, while learning to rebuke the more sinister aspects of the bad guys.

There have been lots of great children’s books with magic and witchcraft, ghosts, elves, fairies, dragons, and other fantastic creatures in them, with very similar themes to those J.K. Rowling invokes in her Harry Potter series: C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia come to mind, and so does J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

My own son has been reading them since he was 8 or 9 years old and has found them immensely entertaining.
I sure would hope not! I love those books… movies aren’t that great, but the books are a masterpiece! To me, they’re as good as Tolkien’s LOTR series. But, as a previous post said, we need to understand that they are fiction… but hey, if we can understand LOTR is pure fiction, then why not Harry Potter too?
My opinion–I would not read any of the “harry potter” books. In my opinion jk rowling is a satanic hand puppet, and her books aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on.
Look it up Tom - in both the OT & NT occult practices and divination are sinful. I imagine that some poor souls who are subjected to this type of temptation get through it with room to spare, but why push your luck with God? and you call yourself tom of Assisi? Or are you trying to help some children hope falsely they can read that stuff and get away with it?

Peace and all good,

i have watch all the movies of harry potter and lord of the rings i can wait for my three year old to growth so he can watch them. as long as he see them with me so i can answer his questions. one thing no matter is the movies are full of magic one thing good always win over bad so i think that something my son can learn. as compare to other movies this one don’t have too much violence an there is no bad words either as compare to other movies. an if this movies encourage them to read great
All I know is that Harry is the most Christian wizard ever created. They celebrate Christian holidays, good always triumphs over evil, children are taught to use their “powers” appropriately, and God is mentioned frequently. I give my kids Harry Potter over Veggie Tales in a heartbeat…but I also make sure we discuss the books and that they’re taught right from wrong by me…not by someone else.
Harry Potter is only dangerous in the hands of a child who’s parents would never engage in a conversation like this
Too many people underestimate kids. Kids who are old enough to read Harry Potter should know that witches and wizards dont exist. Obviously, you’re kid will not be able to practice witchcraft as it does not exist, so you shouldtve have anything to worry about. The only people in the book who use magic badly are the bad guys…Harry and his friends use magic in a good way. Kids reading this may wish they could have these powers but Im sure they realize their parents are not going to be revealved as wizards allowing them to be whisked off to Hogwarts. It does not encourage Satan worshipping. If a child read the Chronicles of Narnia I doubt you;d have much worry that theyd try to become a centaur…so why so much worry? Its not like your kid can become a witch and the probably know that…just say to your kid ‘you know wizards arent real, right?’ no sense in making a big deal out of it. Im not a fan of the Harry Potter books cuz i dont read fantasy but they are exciting, with good morals, and very well written. JK Rowling is very talented and I doubt shes trying to turn your kids into demons. Ive yet to meet a child who’s a Satan worshipper because of it. Kids can separate fiction from reality in most cases, and if not a simply explanation is all thats necessary. I dont recall their being much mention of religion anyways.
Hello Siamese - whose “kids” you want reading that stuff? They are all our children. Isaiah 57: 14 - Build up, build up, prepare the way, remove the stumbling blocks from my people’s path…1 Corinthians 1:23 - but we proclaim Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles…Psalm 119:165 - Lovers of your teaching have much peace: for them there is no stumbling block…Romans 9:32 Why not? Beacause they did it not by faith, but as if it could be done by works. They stumbled over the stone that causes stumbling, for as it is written: “Behold, I am laying a stone in Zion that will make people stumble and a rock that will make them fall, and whoever believes in him shall not be put to shame.” (which is from Isaiah 28:16)

Any questions about that? Or do you hope someone else’s children read that stuff?

CCC 2115 to 2117 Look it up!

Peace and all good,


(cause I am a Thomas too!)
o me of little faith - thank You Jesus
My kids read them and the books are now gathering dust. My kids moved on to the next thing. They knew perfectly well it was fantasy.

I read them and I couldn’t find anything wrong with them. The Lord of the Rings, Cinderella…Sleeping Beauty all had witches and magic spells in them. Too me this was more of the same.

dream wanderer

I was just wondering if I could get some oppinions about whether or not it is sinnful to read the Harry Potter books, and watch the movies? I know that they are about witchcraft, but is it okay to read them, knowing that they are fiction?

I am sure that letting young children, who do not quite understand the difference between reality and fantisy, is not a good idea … but for an older student who understands that real witchcraft is against God, is it alright to read and enjoy the liturature???

Hope you all feel the blessings of the Lord! God Bless
  • Stefanie Rae Cecilia
Hi Stefanie-

This topic has been the rounds and can be found here

St. Philomena and HP


HP confusion


Finding God in HP

as you will note, I myself am of the belief that HP is morally neutral- it is just a story. It’s what you are motivated to do after reading the book that is a sin or not. In my experience with my 8 yo, I have not had ANY problem with her not understanding this as fiction.

I also purchased the book referenced in the last link I provided- and was really amazed at some of the religious references in the story. It is worth a read. 👍

Personally, I would not recommend getting involved in the Harry Potter craze. I have seen first hand what a casual interest in (outwardly benign) witchcraft can turn into. Since there are so many other choices out there, I see no need to tempt evil. Luckily, my 10 year old is more interested in the Dear America books than Harry Potter. The things you read become a part of you. Though it may not be a sin, it is better to fill yourself up with good things. Just my HO though :rolleyes: .
Harry Potter is only dangerous in the hands of a child who’s parents would never engage in a conversation like this
Bravo! The best thing I’ve read on this forum.

Harry Potter is no more dangerous than Bewitched was when we were kids. IMHO it’s actually much better than Grimm’s fairy tales and far more important in its ability to draw 8-10 year olds into reading. By the age of 12, most kids have completely lost interest in the whole craze and have moved on to bubble gum music and sports. But for the couple of years that HP holds their interest, it has a profound impact on their ability to read and comprehend the material and to expand their educational horizons from their expanded attention span.
Yes, the books are about children learning the magical arts, but there is so much fantasy involved that it’s patently clear this is just good, fun entertainment. I daresay none of us has seen the likes of the the things found in these books/movies: flying motorcyles and cars, dragons, three-headed dogs, screaming plants, giants, flying broomsticks, etc.
The head exorcist of Rome (Fr. Amorth) is not too pleased with the books. Maybe there is something to be said about the negatives. Just a thought.
I wouldn’t read the books! Satan is the father of lies! He wants you to think you are reading something harmless because that is where he can get you. The Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph 2117 says, “All practices of magic or sorcery, by which one attempts to tame occult powers, so as to place them at one’s service and have a supernatural power over others-even if this were for the sake of restoring their health-are gravely contrary to the virtue of religion.” Why open yourself up to this tempatation?
I’ve heard some discussion on The Lord of the Rings, note that the books on The Lord of the Rings are actually Christian based, albeit you have to struggle to see the symbolism. Tolkien himself (who was catholic) has said the the ring represents sin, and if you listen carefully you will see that in the stories the ring is destroyed on March 25th - Feast of the Annunciation. There are other symbols also, but just wanted to bring this up.
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