Will Believers Have A Physical Or Spirit Body In Heaven?
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After the resurrection, everyone will have a physical body again.Will Believers Have A Physical Or Spirit Body In Heaven?
“Let none of you say that this flesh is not judged and does not rise again. Just think: In what state were you saved, and in what state did you recover your [spiritual] sight, if not in the flesh? In the same manner, as you were called in the flesh, so you shall come in the flesh. If Christ, the Lord who saved us, though he was originally spirit, became flesh and in this state called us, so also shall we receive our reward in the flesh. Let us, therefore, love one another, so that we may all come into the kingdom of God” ( Second Clement 9:1–6 [A.D. 150]).
“Indeed, God calls even the body to resurrection and promises it everlasting life. When he promises to save the man, he thereby makes his promise to the flesh. What is man but a rational living being composed of soul and body? Is the soul by itself a man? No, it is but the soul of a man. Can the body be called a man? No, it can but be called the body of a man. If, then, neither of these is by itself a man, but that which is composed of the two together is called a man, and if God has called man to life and resurrection, he has called not a part, but the whole, which is the soul and the body” ( The Resurrection 8 [A.D. 153]).
“Therefore, the flesh shall rise again: certainly of every man, certainly the same flesh, and certainly in its entirety. Wherever it is, in the safekeeping with God through that most faithful agent between God and man, Jesus Christ, who shall reconcile both God to man and man to God, [and] the spirit to the flesh and the flesh to the spirit” ( The Resurrection of the Dead 63:1 [A.D. 210]).
There’s talk in the Bible of God creating a new heaven and a new earth after, or perhaps during the resurrection of the dead. So, it’s possible this new heaven will be a physical location, as well as a metaphysical one.Will Believers Have A Physical Or Spirit Body In Heaven?
Great questions! The Bible is unclear as to the answers, as it’s difficult to say whether passages that appear to answer these questions carry a symbolic or literal meaning. To see what I mean, you might read Revelation, which is the last book of the Bible.Yes, what will be the role of God in the new world?
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