WanderAimlessly said:
God does not punish the innocent with the guilty so this is not the wrath of God.
Since when? The same God of the Old and New testament, throughout the Old testament allowed His straying and unfaithful people, the Israelites, to become afflicted through natural disaster and enslaved and exiled through pagan nations. Do you suppose that every last Israelite was “guilty” of turning their heart from God? No. But God
allowed these terrible afflictions
to occur, as a prescribed chastisement for the collective sins of His chosen people. The end result: the pride of the Israelites was eventually broken, worn down, and as a collective as God’s chosen people, they repented and pleaded to God for mercy to end their suffering and exile from the chosen land and the freedom to live culturally their belief in God.
Besides, any punishment is handed out in the next life.
There are different types of punishment as the justice and mercy (yes, mercy allows punishment as discipline and an opportunity to repent) of God demands and is prescribed–individual, collective, temporal, final afterlife.
Luke 13:1-5, “…I tell you, but unless you repent, you will all perish just as they did.” God’s purpose and loving overatures are not random as that of natural disasters. In His loving scheme, nothing happens without His underwritten divine purpose to bring all souls to salvation.
Besides, who of us “innocent”? I certainly am not. IMO, the reason that this nation is in the mess it is on issues that offend God, is due to what we as a Christian people
have not done to prevent the spread of evil in its various forms (secular humanism, relativism, …). I believe that St. Paul in Romans chapter 3 offers insight into the universal bondage to and consequence of sin apart from justification through faith in Christ.