Is insulting bugs blasphemy?

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Blasphemy can also be commited against saints and sacred things such as the church or the gospel. Then can belittling Egyptians also be blasphemy because there are Egyptian saints? Also, as all goodness is creatue of our God and animals worship God in themselves, can insulting bugs also be blasphemy?
First off, animals do worship the Lord in an animal way.

"Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord,
praise and exalt Him above all forever!

"…Everything growing on earth, bless the Lord…
Sea monsters and all water creatures, bless the Lord…
All you birds of the air, bless the Lord…

All you beasts wild and tame, bless the Lord,
praise and exalt Him above all forever!"

That said, critters are our fellow creatures. We can insult them without it being blasphemy. It may not be nice. It may be rude. But it’s not a sin, so long as you don’t lie (although hyperbole is a poetic device sanctified by Our Lord, and not a lie).

As for Egyptians, are you talking slander and prejudice, or are you talking exact truth? Is it necessary commentary, or is it unnecessary nastiness?
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Bless me father, for I have sinned: I yelled at the carpenter ants on my porch…I don’t think so.
I am not sure how one would “insult” a bug. Bugs are not cognizant of whether we are insulting them or not and frankly, they do not care. If I yell at a fly landing on my food and call him a “dirty, disgusting vermin” he is going to ignore me and continue behaving as a fly and suffer no ill effects from my yelling.

If I myself have a mindset of disrespecting God’s creation rather than just expressing a momentary emotion of frustration at an insect bothering me, then maybe I sin. But it’s not because I “insulted the bug”, it’s because I disrespected God.
So are you mean that I should understand that only when someone insults holy people or things for their holiness and relationship to God, then it can be called blasphemy?
Blasphemy specifically refers to speaking profanely and disrespectfully about sacred things.
Like if you insulted God, Jesus, Mary, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Eucharist, Scripture, a saint, a priest, etc.

We don’t usually use the word Blasphemy for speaking disrespectfully about a rock, a tree, an animal, even a human if it’s not Jesus or a priest or somehow related to holiness.
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Then all Christians are consecrated in Baptism, so can it be called blasphemy to satirize a Christian politician?
First off, animals do worship the Lord in an animal way.
I think that the phrase “bless the Lord” in Canticle in Daniel 3 refers back to the verse in Daniel 3:51 Then these three in the furnace with one voice sang, glorifying and blessing God: Therefore, each verse calls for the reader to exclaim “bless the Lord” at the marvel of each of God’s creation (including bugs and animals) and not the animals themselves crying out “bless the Lord”.
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