Is it a sin to lie to sign up for video games?

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I have a Minecraft account from a long time age, perhaps a year or so, maybe a little less, and I said i was born a different date than I was. It does not appear I can change the date. What do I do?
I know lying is a sin but is it a sin to still play the game, is it grave, etc.
you have repented, and if you cant change it, so be it. dont worry about it. Email minecraft to change the date if you can, if they dont changei t, thats not on you
I give the wrong birthday for things online for security reasons - if there’s not a legal reason for them to need to know my birthday, I give one that’s close but not quite the right date because I don’t want others to be able to steal personal information.

If this is really bothering you, to the point where you can’t play the game without feeling guilty, then it might be best to take a break; but because you’ve already tried to rectify something that’s hurting your conscience and it can’t be fixed right now, you’re certainly not committing a sin for continuing to play. No other players can see your birthday on Minecraft while you’re playing, so you’re not even passively showing a false age to anyone else. Don’t worry too much, friend - you’ve done what you can, and that’s what God cares about. 🙂
“White lies” are sinful, because God expects us to always speak truthfully, but they aren’t generally grave matter. Lies meant to hurt others, or to withhold very serious information that someone has the right to know, can be grave matter.
Waking up in hell

You: Well, how did I get here?

Satan : Remember that time you signed up to Minecraft and pretended you where 42 years old? Gotcha! Here’s your first pit of fire, don’t scream too much your going to want to save your voice for the later part of the torture Enjoy your damnation, Any questions speak to your assigned Devil.


I don’t think it quite works that way. Also how many times does everyone (and I mean everyone) click to say that YES they have read the terms and conditions?

No one here (talking about white lies) has ever read the terms and conditions first. Therefore everyone lies online in some way a d probrably never realised it. Pot calling the kettle black never helped anyone.

Don’t sweat it, just tell the truth always. What you tell online companies wanting to know your information for no good reason is not something likely to send you head long into the pit of Hell
it depends on the intent,
if you don’t for security reasons, OK
if you don’t because you are underage and should not be playing the game until you are older, that is another issue.
Minecraft is a child’s game, adults play it too of course but I think the overall majority of players still probrably have all their own milk teeth.
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