Is it a sin to watch Protestant Tv shows and read the King James bible if I’m only doing it for research?
Of course not. I do it all the time, it’s calledIs it a sin to watch Protestant Tv shows and read the King James bible if I’m only doing it for research?
Touched by an Angel? Highway to Heaven? Angels and Saints in Heaven taking an active interest in the lives of people on earth and Interceding to God on their behalf? Protestant notions? I dont think so. They certainly were not explicily Catholic but if they were Protestant shows then I would imagine Della Reese out of work because the Protestant God would expect His people to get out of trouble by faith alone and no Saint or Angel would come to the rescue.Little House on the Prairie, Highway to Heaven, The Waltons & Touched by an Angel were more than likely protestant centered than Catholic…and they were very good shows…I dare ANYONE to call watching those uplifting shows a “Sin” just cause they didnt reflect Catholic teachings…cause in Spirit they sure did!
I got a kick out of that.Reconnaissance.
LOL, reconnaissance, pretty clever! How about reading the congressional report of pornography, is that a sin??? I hear many prominant moral leaders, including Dr Dobson, were forced to participate in order to further their understanding of this evil!Of course not. I do it all the time, it’s called
Reading the KJ Bible with a purpose. For instance to discuss with Protestants a certain passage or participate in a Protestant Bible study. Doing so to understand where they are comming from would not be sinful. However it is a mistranslation, and misinterpretation of the True Scriptures, so much care must be taken. As to Protestant TV the same applies.
No Its not. Especially when you are trying to understand the Protestant viewpoint in order to discover why they believe what they believe.Is it a sin to watch Protestant Tv shows and read the King James bible if I’m only doing it for research?
Guess i’m sinning then, I read the KJV. Pretty much the only one i have read. Sure doesn’t feel like i’m sinning tho.Is it a sin to read the King James bible if I’m only doing it for research?