Is it acceptable to contribute to a Mormons mission?

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My brothers step-son is a Mormon and has requested a contribution to a mission he is about to undertake. I feel strong about helping missionaries efforts to spread the faith. With this, I am troubled. I feel it’s wrong assisting in this effort.
What is the Church’s viewpoint?
My brothers step-son is a Mormon and has requested a contribution to a mission he is about to undertake. I feel strong about helping missionaries efforts to spread the faith. With this, I am troubled. I feel it’s wrong assisting in this effort.
What is the Church’s viewpoint?
If you are Catholic why would you want to help the spread of a non-Christian religion? I can understand wanting to keep the peace in a family, but I think you should look into the catechism for guidance and/or speak with your priest.

I know that Mormons will tell you at first that they are Christians and I believe they are sincere in their beliefs, but once you get into asking them to define things that appear to be shared beliefs with Catholics then you find out there are some HUGE differences. I read that one of the basic beliefs of their church is that they replaced the Catholic church as the true church because our church fell into apostacy. Well, we know Christ taught that the gates of hell will not prevail against the true church, so this is a real problem. If our church teaching is correct (which I believe it is), then they are teaching falsehoods that I would not want spread any further using my money.
My brothers step-son is a Mormon and has requested a contribution to a mission he is about to undertake. I feel strong about helping missionaries efforts to spread the faith. With this, I am troubled. I feel it’s wrong assisting in this effort.
What is the Church’s viewpoint?
No, Make a donation to a worthy charity and let him know it was in his name. It is even wrong for a Catholic to give to the Salvation Army. It’s a CHURCH!!!
My brothers step-son is a Mormon and has requested a contribution to a mission he is about to undertake. I feel strong about helping missionaries efforts to spread the faith. With this, I am troubled. I feel it’s wrong assisting in this effort.
What is the Church’s viewpoint?
good gads!
He is pushing his own faith not our faith…and the two are VERY DIFFERENT!
I think you should give him the money. It’s a good act on your part. Its up to him if he wants to spread a false religion with it.
My brothers step-son is a Mormon and has requested a contribution to a mission he is about to undertake. I feel strong about helping missionaries efforts to spread the faith. With this, I am troubled. I feel it’s wrong assisting in this effort.
What is the Church’s viewpoint?
Your conscience is speaking clearly to you in union with Church Teaching. To support a Mormon missionary effort is to support directly the spread of a heresy. At minimum to do so would be a grave matter. At maximum, it could be grounds for formal excommunication if brought to the attention of the Pope.
Your conscience is speaking clearly to you in union with Church Teaching. To support a Mormon missionary effort is to support directly the spread of a heresy. At minimum to do so would be a grave matter. At maximum, it could be grounds for formal excommunication if brought to the attention of the Pope.
Excommunication seems a bit over-board. Doubt that the Pope would go to such lengths for contributing to a “relatives” mission. (The Catholic church recognized LDS as christian until the year 2001 or 2002 ? when the CC decided not to accept LDS baptism as christian.) However, it is NOT something you should do nor should you feel guilty for not giving. Explain that there are many Catholic missions all over the world who are saving lives, literally ! Catholic missionaries are not trying to baptize as many as possible to meet their quota for the month, they are taking care of the sick and dying, building homes and hospitals, many killed doing God’s work. The work the LDS missionaries and the Catholic missions set out to achieve are very different! For me, seeing young men in white shirts and ties, riding bikes with heavy backpacks on their backs is a sad sight, and waste of time and money. These well-meaning young men spend two years trying to convert christians and non-christians to their belief system. The comparison between LDS and Catholic missionaries is astounding!

I have three missions that I give to on a regular basis, all Catholic and all using their donations wisely. You might ask the missionaries family for a donation to Catholic missions, politely, of course. What would the reaction be?

Love and peace,
Mom of 5
The aside on the Salvation Army is interesting. I knew it was a religion by many people do not. They think “salvation” is something like “salvage” and that this is a charitable organization that saves what people throw out to give to the needy.

As a matter of fact, charitable works are at the center of Salvation Army life. In my opinion, if one could be certain one’s donation was being used solely for the good of the poor (including the administrative costs of delivering it) and not for S.A. church purposes, I would not see a problem with donating. However, I don’t know their policy on that. Might be worth researching.
The aside on the Salvation Army is interesting. I knew it was a religion by many people do not. They think “salvation” is something like “salvage” and that this is a charitable organization that saves what people throw out to give to the needy.

As a matter of fact, charitable works are at the center of Salvation Army life. In my opinion, if one could be certain one’s donation was being used solely for the good of the poor (including the administrative costs of delivering it) and not for S.A. church purposes, I would not see a problem with donating. However, I don’t know their policy on that. Might be worth researching.
The problem is that everyone in SA shelter or soup kitchen is required to attend their religious services. We offered to help one evening a week. We were welcome to supply the food and serve it. However we were not allowed in any way to be involved in the prayer service or speak to the people about the Catholic faith. We were to remain in the kitchen. We were welcome to make up little Christmas bags of personal items but they removed all the prayer cards and religious items in them before they were given out. The SA is very anti-Catholic, just not in a vocal way.
NO!!! NEVER. Mormons hate the Catholic Church. They are not trinitarians, either. To them Jesus was just the Son, and not God Himself. NEVER HELP MORMONS IN ANY WAY!!!:mad:
My brothers step-son is a Mormon and has requested a contribution to a mission he is about to undertake. I feel strong about helping missionaries efforts to spread the faith. With this, I am troubled. I feel it’s wrong assisting in this effort.
What is the Church’s viewpoint?
Most, if not all, Mormon missionaries are quite sincere in their beliefs and the work they are doing. Unfortunately they have been misled into thinking that a religion founded by a mere man, Joseph Smith, is from God and we should partake of it.

Joseph Smith did not die for our sins, he did claim to be God, he did not work any miracles to prove he was even sent by God. He did not rise from the dead. Nor did any of his followers work any miracles.

All we have is his word that what he spoke and wrote is from God & is true. No hundreds of witnesses to the alleged claim that he received golden tablets and writings from a heavenly being. Only his word as there are no proofs of his being (allegedly) sent by God to preach this gospel.

Why should anyone believe such a person? Why should anyone put his faith in a mere man when we have the proven historical facts of Jesus and the Church he founded 2,000 years ago? And this included hundreds, even thousands of witnesses at times to the public miracles he performed. Even the Church’s sworn enemies could not deny that Jesus lived and performed public miracles.

Since Mormans are preaching a false gospel, in effect, as it contradicts the Gospel as preached by the Apostles, no assistance should be rendered them in any way.

St Paul says in Gal 6:1-6 “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and turning to a different gospel – not that there is another gospel, but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, If any one is preaching to you a gospel contrary to that which you received, let him be accursed.”
No. There is no shortage of worthwhile Catholic missionaries to support.

Next question…
I have to say I don’t agree with alot of whats being said. Choosing to support a persons job is a little different then supporting a faith. I think if you pray and think about this enough you can find a way to support him and your catholic face. The money you may give him goes to suits, transport, and food. Not the LDS church. Family is Family. If I couldn’t rely on family my mission work would fall apart, and Im a catholic.
For example support him with care packages. Maybe a few gifts to make life a little easier. Life as a Mormon missionary though it is a choice isnt easy. You don’t have give him money per say but American food if he is going international stuff like that. The thought goes “Your a young kid who needs help with your job, but I won’t support your faith.”
I agree, do not send money or any contribution that would help spread heresy. But show love and compassion for his situation by sending something that shows your love and makes his life nicer.

God Bless
I don’t know about the Church’s viewpoint here, but I’ll talk about a personal viewpoint…family dynamics…I see the struggle…the tug-o-war…BTDT.

This is your brother and your brother’s son…or step-son, but all the same to me…and how could you not do something if asked like this? Your brother? His kid?

You can help this kid without contributing to the missionary fund directly. I would certainly not give cash. Cash is cash, you have no control on where the money goes, and in this situation, this is your concern…it would be mine.

Me, my opinion? I care very much about my sister and I adore my neice and nephews, and I would want to make sure they had what they need out there in the big, bad world. And my relationship is such with my sister that I could honestly tell her that I would prefer to give gifts over cash so that these kids for sure get what they need while they are away from home…and everybody loves a package! Especially when cut off from home…it builds morale.

Some (maybe most I might venture a guess) of these missionaries are miserable. Lots of these kids go without basic necessities and live in filth. Some are spoiled. Some live somewhere in the middle. It’s hard regardles because there is a tremendous amount of pressure to stick it out no matter how bad it is, or else they are “failures” and they don’t “return with honor.” These kids are fresh from high school in a foreign area, some in a foreign land with a new language, cut off from reality and normal life, cut off from family and friends, support systems, very limited contact with “the real world,” no TV, newspapers, current events, no literature or music unless it’s LDS approved, Sunday church, Monday is P-day…their day off…they get to finally pee is the joke…and selling their religion the rest of the time, sometimes wondering how they’ll pay for the groceries…and when they get home? They are encouraged to leap into marriage and family as soon as possible…please correct me if I’m wrong.

How can you not do something? The missionary time is when many realize it’s all bunk…they need a seed planted and a nudge. How better than an nonMormon, a Catholic, being a good person in some small way?

I think that you could reasonalby say to your brother that while you will not give cash towards the missionary fund, you would be happy to make sure your nephew has groceries and other needs once he’s out there.

Socks, sheets, laundry soap, antibacterial gel, shampoo, lotion, DEET, razors, toilet paper, gift certificates to the grocery store, girlie products for the girls, mac n’ cheese, vitamins, beef jerky, phone cards, Smack Ramen, Kleenix, hot chocolate…etc., etc.

There is a way you can make sure your nephew is taken care of without contributing directly to LDS Inc., and if it were my my nephew (or step), that’s what I would do.
I think that you could reasonalby say to your brother that while you will not give cash towards the missionary fund, you would be happy to make sure your nephew has groceries and other needs once he’s out there.

Socks, sheets, laundry soap, antibacterial gel, shampoo, lotion, DEET, razors, toilet paper, gift certificates to the grocery store, girlie products for the girls, mac n’ cheese, vitamins, beef jerky, phone cards, Smack Ramen, Kleenix, hot chocolate…etc., etc.

There is a way you can make sure your nephew is taken care of without contributing directly to LDS Inc., and if it were my my nephew (or step), that’s what I would do.
My personal thoughts on this issue are this; Jesus would not frown upon helping out your nephew. I would agree that material to cloth the naked and feed the hungry (in this case the nephew) would be a good idea. On the idea of a monetary contribution, I would compare it to contributing to a “pro-choice” group. If you do give some items, I think that this would be an excellent time to plant some seeds for conversion and truly finding God. Perhaps put a prayer card in the “gift pack”, and as somebody earlier mentioned about missionary life being hard, sent him a card one in a while telling him that you are praying for him or something. Use this as an opportunity not sending yourself on a guilt trip :cool:
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