Is it accurate to say Jesus is Jesus without his human body?

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I know Jesus always was and is divine, but when was his humanity? Is his body created? Did his human body exist before the virgin birth? Can Jesus be Jesus without the human nature? It would seem to me that he can’t because the Trinity always was and Jesus claims to be the I Am. Am I thinking of this correctly?
In the Incarnation God, specifically the Second Person of the Trinity, took unto Himself a Human Nature.

His resurrection was bodily, but it was also a Glorified body, like what the righteous will have when resurrected in the Final Judgment.

What about prior to the Incarnation? Well, this is where things get tricky. God is not bound by time, so that’s beyond my ability.
Jesus is True man (with a Perfect human nature) and True GOD; ALSO with an ever-present Divine Nature.

He was born of Mary, in a “normal birth”; Fathered by the Holy Spirit; hence Jesus IS the SON of God.

In the Blessed Trinity; Jesus alone possesses both a Human and a Divine Nature (both of which are Perfect)

You might want to read Luke Chapter one again, carefully and prayerfully

God Bless you
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