Is it ever okay to seek out someone with charisms?

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And if so, how do you find them? I don’t need a psychic…that’s divination, and I know it’s wrong. But I sure could use help in discerning what God wants me to do with several situations in my life.

I’ve said novenas, prayers, all to no avail. God seems silent. And one of the things he’s silent about is my returning to the Catholic faith!

In my life, when God has wanted something for me, it’s fallen into my lap. Returning to the Church is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. LONG story…I’ve posted elsewhere here about it.

My mom (God rest her soul) knew a guy who had a gift of prophecy. He was Catholic, VERY holy, but is dead now. How would I find someone like that? I need hope. I’m tired of fighting. I just want to quit.

And if so, how do you find them? I don’t need a psychic…that’s divination, and I know it’s wrong. But I sure could use help in discerning what God wants me to do with several situations in my life.
You need to seek a priest for direction about your needs and questions. Someone who has Chrism’s would be hard to find and to know for sure they are real. That would be dangerous and not wise to do. Just settle down and know God hears your prayers. He does not answer just because we want to know NOW! He will guide you in His time. Right now He ask’s you to be patient and to go to a Catholic Church and find your answers. Try joining RCIA. It does not mean you have to become Catholic to take the classes but it is a start in the right direction for discernment.
I agree that this is probably not the best…and it is clear you are uncomfortable talking to your priest, since in a previous thread, you described the situation with your priests.

But let’s talk about hearing from God. You said you have tried novena’s to no avail. You also mentioned that in the past, God would drop something into your lap if it was His will. God seems to use this approach early on in our walk of faith - the infancy stage - to get us to learn trust and strengthen our faith.

As your faith grows, he appears distant at times (in appearance only) to help stretch your faith. However one thing is certain, God answers every prayer - for that is the promise he has made to us. But the answer you get is probably not the one you want to hear. An answer can be a “no - that is not My will for you at this time”.

I have found that when I have done novena’s most often I get the “no, not now” response from God - presented on an odd way. After Adoration, I saw a beautiful rainbow in the sky on the final day of my novena…with the word “hope” spoken to my heart. Now this was NOT the answer I had asked for, but it WAS my answer.

Ask the Holy Spirit to be clear about His message. As soon as I saw the rainbow, I was clear it was for me.

Are you remaining open to how God is trying to deliver a message? He uses all different methods, people, scripture, advice in these threads, nature, songs, even extreem measures when needed. Maybe you have gotten the answer but are fighting the answer a wee bit. I am not saying that is the case - only your heart can evaluate the answer.

In any event, God does not want you to quit. Pray for perseverance.
Hi Therese,

You don’t need anyone with “charism” to guide you. You can ask God for those yourself!

Ask God to give you gifts of The Holy Spirit.

But before this happen, maybe it’s a good idea to find a charismatic group in your parish and start to Praise God together in a prayer group so that you might grow in a community, and have some brothers and sisters in Christ those would pray together with you.

Surely God will not be “silent” in your life anymore. Because if you believe that He is your Father, than surely it will happen according to what you believe. God is your Father is true, only if you believe that He has died for your sins, so that because of this you are now become His daughter.

God bless.
what you are looking for is a spiritual director. there are good ones inside and outside the charismatic movement. It is wrong to seek out someone with the charismatic gift of prophecy with the purpose of asking them to somehow order God to reveal a personal message for you. Those with this gift speak only when God speaks to them, and do not prophecy on demand. if they do, they are charlatans.

God’s will for you is ordinarily discerned by the usual spiritual means of daily prayer and reading scripture and frequent reception of the sacraments, with a concerted effort to replace sinful habits with virtuous ones. If you are wrestline with a serious life decision such as a vocation, change of career etc. find a good solid person to guide you through the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.
what you are looking for is a spiritual director. there are good ones inside and outside the charismatic movement. It is wrong to seek out someone with the charismatic gift of prophecy with the purpose of asking them to somehow order God to reveal a personal message for you. Those with this gift speak only when God speaks to them, and do not prophecy on demand. if they do, they are charlatans.

God’s will for you is ordinarily discerned by the usual spiritual means of daily prayer and reading scripture and frequent reception of the sacraments, with a concerted effort to replace sinful habits with virtuous ones. If you are wrestline with a serious life decision such as a vocation, change of career etc. find a good solid person to guide you through the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.
I agree completely.

One thing is really important is that you are sincerely seeking God’s will. This is so good. Too often folks do not but seek their own will.
I will put you in prayer and offer Holy Communion for you. I pray God makes his will clear for you.
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