I understand your logic, but I still disagree. The design/intent of guns are for protection- not a bad thing. The original intent for drugs (the medical kind anyways, not recreational ones like marijuana, ecstasy, etc.) are to heal people- not bad at all. Yes, they do get abused unfortunately, but in of themselves, they’re meant to help people.
On the other hand, alcohol is a naturally mind-altering substance. And in what way is putting something in your body that causes you to think/act abnormally good? I guess that’s why I’m so torn over whether or not Christians should consume alcohol. Just the whole idea behind drinking something that does unnatural things bothers me. Even if you don’t get full-on drunk, it still causes your body to react weirdly.
It’s true that, unlike guns or meds, alcohol’s purpose is primarily for pleasure. But that doesn’t make it any less legitimate. Nor does it make it wrong to use or sell it.
It seems you may be working under the assumption that if something is intended for pleasure, then it must be sinful, or less good. But that’s not the case. That’s a Puritan idea, not a Catholic one.
Recreation is a good thing, and it’s for that purpose that people drink alcohol. Can they go too far? Absolutely. But that’s an abuse. So I still think the analogy works. Alcohol and guns both have different but legitimate uses, and though they can both be abused, the person selling those products isn’t automatically sinning, since they’re not intending for the abuse to happen.
As far as whether Christians should drink alcohol at all, I think the fact that Jesus turned water into wine should put that worry to rest. If it was sinful, Our Lord wouldn’t have made it so that people - who clearly had already drunk a lot since they ran out of wine early - could drink more. Apparently Jesus is ok with people drinking and enjoying themselves. So I wouldn’t be concerned about that.
Yes, alcohol is a mind altering substance, but altering our state of mind isn’t necessarily a bad or sinful thing. (Hang on, hear me out.

) The caffeine in coffee helps my brain focus. The antioxidants in chocolate make me feel happy. Both of these things alter our brain chemistry and change our state of mind. But they’re not sinful. God gave us these things, we should enjoy them. :yup:
If it’s not sinful to drink coffee in order to help me wake up and focus, why would it be sinful for me to drink a glass of wine with friends in order to relax and have a good time? That’s a legitimate use and not at all sinful.
The sin comes when we try and alter our minds so much that we lose use of our rational faculties, or use it as a form of escapism. That’s wrong. That’s what the bible and Church condemn. And that’s why we need to practice temperance and moderation. But just feeling different after consuming something isn’t in itself sinful.
Anyways, I understand where you’re coming from, given your experience with alcohol. And I think you’re on the right track in wanting to avoid the college drinking scene, which are definitely examples of sinful drinking. But let’s not go so far as to condemn alcohol altogether. If you want to personally abstain, that’s perfectly fine. But since the Church is ok with moderate alcohol use, we really can’t say it’s sinful for Christians to consume it. Or sell it at a bar.