Why not reckon God made some good things that were only of finite worth, that are only meant to be around now but shall be got rid of at a latter date? I ask, because I’ve been reading up on some theology and many books seem to suggest that every goodness that exists in this world is reflective of a far greater quantity of the same within the Spirit of God. Fair dos…and I tend to accept this idea as so…but isn’t it also possible that some elements of creation were designed for minor walk on parts rather than principle roles? And are not eternal or infinite but flash in the pans? Or is every good things to God a serious matter? I seem to get mixed responses on this question…some theists seem to think that Worldly joys, like books and films, aren’t about God in anything except the fact they are to be enjoyed and ultimately He is to be enjoyed: and that such beauty as we may find in them are a way of helping make our stay on Earth, to do God’s duty, nice in some ways but they will all end completely, God’s beauty being utterly alien and unlike. I prefer the ‘all values exist in God’ theory but both ideas seem perfectly reasonable. Is it just a choice of which idea we’d prefer to go with or is one answer logical and the other not?