There is a young man that I consider a best friend. We’ve known each other for many years (kindergarten +) and have became much closer friends since high school started.
By the title of this post, you can tell it’s becoming more than just a friendship. I have another thread that I posted and i’ll put the link to it below.
We are friends as of now, I haven’t told him any of this yet, but im finding myself becoming more and more attracted to who he is and his relationship with God as the days go by. We’ve spent almost every week this school year going to 6:30 a.m Mass once a week before school. We’ve hung out a few times alone. A walk in the park one time, another time we got down to some good old-fashion video games
I am getting the gut feeling that he’s part of my future as my husband. I am well aware of the hormones and such that go on but I am one with pretty good intuition and i’m praying daily for him, my HTB, and that God guides me. I just feel God’s presence around him and I have the gut feeling he’s the one.
I’m doing my best to control the emotions and not let them cloud my judgment. I know this guy has some interest in me as well. (Although i doubt its nearly the same as I have for him) it won’t be much longer before we date, I can tell.
My one issue (is it even an issue?) is I’ve been getting this desire to love him. Is that ok? I’m not “in love”… yet. I just want to let myself freely love. More so in a spiritual sense vs a mental/emotional one. I’m not sure what im trying to say. Im just getting this deep connection with him and I want to just allow myself to become a little more vulnerable with him. (not in a physical sense!). is this ok? Im not letting these hormones control me, but something is blossoming in me. What is this?
By the title of this post, you can tell it’s becoming more than just a friendship. I have another thread that I posted and i’ll put the link to it below.
We are friends as of now, I haven’t told him any of this yet, but im finding myself becoming more and more attracted to who he is and his relationship with God as the days go by. We’ve spent almost every week this school year going to 6:30 a.m Mass once a week before school. We’ve hung out a few times alone. A walk in the park one time, another time we got down to some good old-fashion video games
I am getting the gut feeling that he’s part of my future as my husband. I am well aware of the hormones and such that go on but I am one with pretty good intuition and i’m praying daily for him, my HTB, and that God guides me. I just feel God’s presence around him and I have the gut feeling he’s the one.
I’m doing my best to control the emotions and not let them cloud my judgment. I know this guy has some interest in me as well. (Although i doubt its nearly the same as I have for him) it won’t be much longer before we date, I can tell.
My one issue (is it even an issue?) is I’ve been getting this desire to love him. Is that ok? I’m not “in love”… yet. I just want to let myself freely love. More so in a spiritual sense vs a mental/emotional one. I’m not sure what im trying to say. Im just getting this deep connection with him and I want to just allow myself to become a little more vulnerable with him. (not in a physical sense!). is this ok? Im not letting these hormones control me, but something is blossoming in me. What is this?