Is it ok to focus on making a lot of money for security?

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Companies are beginning to walk away from pension obligations to employees.
As a Christian I feel deeply that the object of my life is not ‘to gain the whole world’ but to live simply and make decisions that are in love and not for my own profit. (up to now I have lost a lot of money and property this way, by being generous).
I was raised in a different time when you could trust people. Now I am sick at heart to see how large companies turn their backs on pensioned retirees while execs walk away with millions, and the Govt allows them to do it.
In this context, do you think it would be moral/ethical for me to focus on getting and keeping money for security in old age? It is terrible to be old and poor. I cannot trust that my pension will be available to me, and I don’t have kids to take care of me, not that I would expect them to. What do you all think?
Sounds fine to me. Money itself isn’t evil, just greed is, and you don’t sound like a greedy person to me.
St Paul said that while it’s good to be generous with your money, everyone must first make sure that they can provide for their family. Now, it’s not written explicitly, but I think that ‘your family’ includes you, as well as any of your other dependants - wouldn’t make sense if someone (a father) had to look after the mother of a family and all the children, but not the father - who is going to look after him?

And yea, large companies have been known to not treat their employees right and not give a darn about what happens to them later. So it would be prudent to make sure you’ve got enough money to look after yourself in your old age.
making a lot of money for any reason should not be the primary reason for working, or for any other choice (gambling etc). Your work is primarily about serving the kingdom. That does not mean you have to work for the Church, but it does mean that wherever you work you are a witness for Christ, give full days work for full days pay, abide by Chrisitian principles, and avoid working for any industry that perverts or attacks those principles.

other than that, it is a matter of justice to seek adequate pay and benefits, and to insist that employers abide by laws designed to secure that justice. It is simple prudence (a virtue) to make the best decisions about how to spend and save and to plan for retirement. That always comes in the context of stewardship, begins with tithing whatever amount you consider just, then saving and investing, then providing for daily needs. There is certainly nothing wrong with choosing the job that pays more or has better benefits if neither job involves anything objectionable.
I’ve thought quite a bit about this myself. I think it is very wise to save for your future, but I believe that there is no security to be found outside of God. You can work hard to acquire wealth your entire life and end up losing it all in a heartbeat.
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