Is it okay to read Men’s health?

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I’m a 23 year old guy from South Africa, and growing up I was never allowed to buy magazines.

I still feel guilty when I see Calvin Klein underwear advertisements.

Some of the stuff in the magazine is just weird or silly.

I feel like a dog.

To be honest with you, I am learning common sense from the imitation of Christ. I am trying to volunteer as well. It’s not easy.
I saw a post of a 15 year old with habitual sin and I felt so sorry for this person who is so young and has so many opportunities to succeed.
From what I know of the magazine, there is no reason a normal male couldn’t read it without sin. It’s entirely possible that their advice here or there could run counter to Catholic morality (sexuality, etc.), and the underwear ads might run counter to Catholic modesty (not opening a modesty thread here, just noting the fact), but to worry about a magazine like this, IMO borders on scrupulosity.

I used to enjoy Esquire, which was a little dodgy here and there, but if you are a mature reader who can handle running into occasional bad advice or the random picture of a woman that might be less than modest, I can’t see a problem with that either. I stay away from the “lad” magazines (for one thing, I’d be a pretty old lad!) as well as, obviously, magazines that are even more problematical. I once received an unwanted complimentary subscription to one of the “lad” magazines, and it went straight in the garbage as soon as I got it every month.
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You may ask yourself and discern for this lecture or any other: “is reading this magazine, book, article etc, make me grow better, holier, does I feel well after or it just let me down?”

Apart absolute necessity reading (such as for work, studies, general information and political stuff) we have the choice to read what we prefer.
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