Is it okay to receive the Eucharist/Chalice with a slightly sore throat?

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If you have a slightly sore throat but you floss, mouthwash and brushed your teeth, is it okay to receive the chalice? Because I already did this and was debating with myself if I should receive the chalice.
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Agreed, me too.

I remember my Dad once said to me, “if it’s really the Blood of Christ, then people won’t get sick from the Precious Blood.” In which I responded, the accents of wine still exist.
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No! Have a heart and exercise care for your fellow parishioners. Do not receive the Precious Blood when you are not healthy.
I agree with CajunJoy. It was a lack of awareness, not a sin. But now that you are aware, help care for those who will be exposed to your cold.
I believe if you have a sore throat or the hint of any contagion you should abstain because you may well pass it on by the very air you breath. A whole lot of bad stuff is air born and readily passed on. Here, when the flu or colds are making the rounds Father will ask that no one receive the wine in the Chalice and will not present it to the people at mass. Peace.
In my parish, we receive under both species. However, they refrain from offering the cup during flu season, and reintroduce it at the Easter Vigil Mass.
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