Is it okay to wait to go to Confession?

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I’m pretty sure I don’t have any mortal sins on me. I went to confession this advent, maybe about a month or less ago. Lately I’ve really wanted to go to confession, but my parish doesn’t have scheduled confessions this weekend. Is it alright for me just to wait till next weekend? Thank you very much for answering my question.
I had a confessor tell me that a Mortal sin is like an elephant in the kitchen. You know it’s there. I think that is true if your conscience is well formed.

Holy water removes venial sins. Also, at Mass, there are several opportunities for the removal of venial sins, the best–Jesus himself in Holy Communion. Also, you can receive an indulgence for reading scripture or going to Adoration.

Waiting is fine. But, if you are really troubled, I’m sure you can phone the priest and explain your desire.

We have lots of opportunities for confession at my parish; however, with my children and my hubby’s crazy work schedule, I often have to put off confession. So, I understand your desire. I think sometimes, God makes it more difficult to receive confession to increase your desire for it. But, that is my own speculation.
If you have committed Mortal Sin do not wait. It seperates you from God in the worst way.

I have recently discovered this myself. Do not wait. Sadly and much to our discouragment confessional hours are so limited (45 minuts on Saturday with my parish and most parishes around me). Make an appointment. I suggest trying all parishes around because some will not return calls. Sorry to say this but I experienced myself. Do not let your parish procrastinate setting an appointment for you. They should understand the situation and the serverity of the situation.
This is more of a tangent…

We are encouraged/invited by the church to do an EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE daily in which we recall and account all the small instances that we have done well and terribly (i.e. sins). Afterwhich we should say an Act of Contrition and a Resolution for the next day. This classic method will help us root out the smallest uncharitable habits we have, habitual venial sins and the mortal sins. And engage ourselves in deeper conversation with Christ.

By doing this daily, when we go to Confession we are not grabbing things from our memory haphazardly, rather we know where we failed and have a greater interior space to be remorseful for it.

in XT.
I’m pretty sure I don’t have any mortal sins on me. …] Is it alright for me just to wait till next weekend?
Yes, don’t worry, you can wait.
I remember we were talking about this when we were at a meeting of my postulancy for the Third Order of St. Francis. The formation lady said she goes to confession every other week.

So, I asked my dad the following week, when he calls me what he thought of it. He seemed to the best answer as to when to go to Confession is when you need it!! In other words, if you’ve been walking a straight path and have nothing on your mind, then perhaps monthly. Whereas if something is really bothering you… maybe weekly. If they don’t have convenient times at your parish, perhaps checkout those at another parish.

In a book on Padre Pio I just read, it mentioned that he chastized a spiritual daughter for not not going weekly.

I know one thing, if you have a grave (mortal) sin on your conscience… don’t leave it for long. Mortal sin means you have done something terribly wrong and therefore cannot receive any grace from God. Only a good confession can revive it. If that’s the case, then you may just ask a good preist to help you out. Most preists will help you out, unless it’s really busy.

The fact that you’re concerned is a really good sign that you care for Jesus. May your love grow every day for Him and may you never be afraid to call upon his Mercy. The other thing I thought I should mention is this: Don’t worry about the priest freaking out on you. Believe me – they’ve heard it all before and worse. We’re all sinners and God IS good!

Pax et bonum
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