Is it possible to achieve no more sin?

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I’m trying to figure out what is a realistic expectation for being a “good catholic”. Is it possible to commit no more sins? Or is that a pipe dream and you are probably just ignorant of the sins you are commiting? Also please pray for me a sinner.
God bless
If one arms themselves with frequent prayer and the sacraments it is possible to avoid mortal sin.

Even the saints went to confession frequently, to confess venial sins and faults that needed correcting.
Definitely possible.
‘A saint is not someone who never sins, but one who sins less and less frequently and gets up more and more quickly.’ - St Bernard of Clairvaux
Of course it’s possible. Jesus instructs people in the Bible to “go, and sin no more”. If that were not possible then Jesus would be demanding the impossible.
I’m trying to figure out what is a realistic expectation for being a “good catholic”. Is it possible to commit no more sins? Or is that a pipe dream and you are probably just ignorant of the sins you are commiting? Also please pray for me a sinner.
God bless
It is a dogma of faith that the baptized can remain free from mortal sins for the entire life by cooperating with sanctifying grace.
St. Bernard’s quote above is good.

I think in the gospel account when Jesus says “go and sin no more”, he is wanting the individual involved to make a strong, concerted effort to avoid a specific serious (mortal) sin. Something clearly impacting the person’s life for the worse. One that could potentially prevent that person from entering into everlasting life.

But to think that as “a good catholic” one will never commit sin again is unreasonable. Not very likely to happen, unless one is given a rare grace, such as that given to Our Lady herself…
A Formula 1 driver doesn’t spend his life saying “Oh me miserable, now I’m going off the track at the next corner!”

The driver is careful not to go astray, but his mind is caught up in other goals: going fast, overtaking without being overtaken, arriving first at the finish line.

Thus for the Christian to avoid sin is necessary, but what changes our lives is to seek God’s will in every moment, to correspond with tender affection to God’s infinite love.
I’m trying to figure out what is a realistic expectation for being a “good catholic”. Is it possible to commit no more sins? Or is that a pipe dream and you are probably just ignorant of the sins you are commiting? Also please pray for me a sinner.
God bless
A realistic expectation for being a good Catholic is to always repent/offer penance for sins, whether they be your sins or the sins of others.

It is possible to not commit any personal sins, but a good catholic, who personally doesn’t sin, embraces the sin of those around him/her as his/her own sins, and offers penance for the conversion of sinners, and in turn grows beyond imagine in love with God!
It is certainly possible, since God does not the command the impossible. But I don’t know anyone not an infant other than the Blessed Virgin and maybe John the Baptist who has done so.

It bears pointing out that we’re never “done” progressing in grace and virtue in this life. There is always progress that can be made.

The Council of Vienne, definitively condemned the opposing error of a group of heretics which said “that a person in this present life can acquire a degree of perfection which renders him utterly impeccable and unable to make further progress in grace. For, as they say, if someone could always make further progress, he could become more perfect than Christ.”
I would say it is possible to Sin No More, however very difficult…

…not committing acts of mortal sin is probably an easier, although still challenging goal for a good Catholic or any good Christian, as one progresses in his or her journey of holiness it is certainly possible to attain the ability to avoid mortal sin altogether, again I still think this is challenging, yet possible for many…

…however to never sin any more (or perhaps a better way to put it, to not continue commit sin anymore, acknowledging that we/they or whoever had sinned in the past, yet continuing through this life without sinning again), whatsoever even venial sins, this is a task I believe that perhaps some saints have achieved, yet many of us laypeople may struggle our whole lives and not achieve…

…that does not mean we shouldn’t try 😁

…that’s my two cents anyhow.

Praying for you @jredden92, please pray for me.
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My suspicion is that as a person grows spiritually and eliminates sins, he becomes aware of sins which he previously did not consider as such. Anything less than perfect service to our Lord is sin.

A priest once said that nuns from the convent would come in groups for confession. It was like getting pelted with popcorn.
I’m trying to figure out what is a realistic expectation for being a “good catholic”. Is it possible to commit no more sins? Or is that a pipe dream and you are probably just ignorant of the sins you are commiting? Also please pray for me a sinner.
God bless
Possible but highly improbable.
“A priest once said that nuns from the convent would come in groups for confession. It was like getting pelted with popcorn.”

I remember the priest who said that was Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen.
I’m trying to figure out what is a realistic expectation for being a “good catholic”. Is it possible to commit no more sins? Or is that a pipe dream and you are probably just ignorant of the sins you are commiting? Also please pray for me a sinner.
God bless
It’s not possible to not sin but with Divine grace it is possible. Prayer is the beginning and ending point for this.

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