We have some religious women who no longer wear habits. I would not like to be a part of that kind of order. I would find it too informal.
There are some, here, which the women don’t wear the top part, like a veil, to their uniform. They continue to wear the short hair, though. Likewise, I would not want to join an order like that were I to be in a situation where I was looking for a congregation.
Otherwise, there are generally more-pressing concerns than dress in the decision.
For example, some congregations devote themselves to prayer, almost exclusively…adoration. Others go out into the community.
Some orders are cloistered, almost never leave a location. Others are expected to travel, possibly learn other languages!
Here, in Mexico, I understand years ago, the government confiscated all kinds of Catholic places, didn’t return them! So, nuns here often set up 3 in a house they share. However, they can have other situations, but there really aren’t monasteries, per se, so I was told by one priest here.
One would need to see if one is compatible with their values, views on community, worship.
I think the vows might differ, that some may take vows of poverty, some not. Some may take other additional vows. They take a vow of obedience to their superiors. Some have vows for only a year at a time, which they can renew, if they like. Others have vows for an entire lifetime.
Some orders teach.
A spiritual director would be helpful in discernment.