Is it really that bad?

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I’ve been watching RealCatholicTV and I really like their material but they make it look like the entire American Catholic church is afflicted with heresy or schismatic or something and Catholics faithful to the Magisterium are in the minority. The diocese I am in is pretty faithful and Catholics seem to take their faith seriously here. Is it really THAT bad in the big scheme of things?
I don’t watch TV but I can say as someone born post-Vatican II, that it’s probably WORSE than what you are seeing.

I have cantored since I was 7, but was NOT properly catechized by my parents AT ALL. The result being the only catechesis was received at church, which I faithfully attended (on my own, mostly (just felt called)). Anyway, let’s just say I honestly had NO clue that Catholics were not pro-Choice until I was 21. I am still struggling to figure out what are sins and what aren’t. When I confessed having used contraceptives (after I learned they were a sin), the priest actually laughed at me.

I could go on all night. It’s worse than BAD and I am almost daily horrified at the things I took for granted as being “okay” as a child only now come to find out are serious sins. A fair majority of child’s games revolve around divination. Again, I could go on.

Do you really know what people in your congregation are thinking? Are you aware of what they know? Think again. If you need proof, just look at the abortion statistic for “Catholics”. Yes, think again.
Yes, it really is that bad. But it’s better than it was in the 1970s and 1980s.
Yes, it really is that bad. But it’s better than it was in the 1970s and 1980s.
The diocese I am in is pretty faithful and Catholics seem to take their faith seriously here. Is it really THAT bad in the big scheme of things?
I am with [user]juggernaut[/user] :twocents: The diocese I live in is nothing like the broad brush used to paint much of the US. Which is not to say I have not witnessed some odd things during (infrequent) travel to other places.

It is undoubtedly that bad – in SOME places. It’s certainly not universal. And you also have to keep in mind that some people feel that anyone who doesn’t agree with them about every single thing – Communion in the hand, for example – is “unfaithful.” Sometimes it’s hard to separate actual abuses from “I don’t like that.”
Based on the THOUSANDS of emails received by RealCatholicTV on the dis-functionality in so many parishes in the United States, yes, it really is that bad. We would not make it up if it were not the case.

Is it bad everywhere? No, of course not. I for example go to an amazing parish that is exactly where every parish in the country should be with good holy priests who constantly preach the Fullness of Truth, and don’t mess around with the Liturgy to re-make it in their own image. But nearly every one of the parishioners at my Church commute (some more than 45 minutes one way) just to go there because their home parish is unacceptable.

Yes - it is bad. And it needs fixing. Souls are being lost because this is not being addressed.

It is undoubtedly that bad – in SOME places. It’s certainly not universal. And you also have to keep in mind that some people feel that anyone who doesn’t agree with them about every single thing – Communion in the hand, for example – is “unfaithful.” Sometimes it’s hard to separate actual abuses from “I don’t like that.”
Exactly! 👍

Thank you for your eloquent words.
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