Edit: I’m asking this question because I have no idea how to address the topic when it comes up in political discussions.
Same sex marriage is against the Natural Law of God. This law was defined in Medieval times and still stands in the Church today.
God created male and female and charged them to become one flesh and to procreate. The idea of the qualities of the marriage sacrament expanded after Vat II beyond procreation primarily to also focus on love, the union of the couple and their service fulfilling their vocation. These are also important features of the sacrament.
In same sex marriage there is only one sex, it is an imbalanced union according to the Catholic Church and God’s law, and does not fit natural law regarding marriage. It is not a vocation couples are called to although people argue it is loving, and is a union and can be characterized by service. Indeed there are plenty of homosexual people in the service of the church.
Marrriage is a sacrament of the Church, it is one of the 7 Sacraments available and given us as a gift and a channel for grace by God.
In marriage the bond is one of a union, two become one in marriage, and this union also creates a domestic church in the service of the married couple, fulfilling their vocation and serving the Church and the community.
Marriage and Holy Orders are Sacraments of Service.
From a secular standpoint, addressing this topic in political discussions , I dont think is possible in today’s aggressive secular society. But from a Catholic standpoint, it can be well defended as marriage is a sacrament of the church and conforms to natural law.
As far as Jewish and pork, it is part of their Torah, one of their Commandments. They cannot eat pork according to that. There is law that meat has to be killed in certain ways (in dedicated abattoirs) to conform to both Muslim and Jewish law.
Jews pushing to outlaw pork would be like Catholics pushing to outlaw homosexual unions or sex before marriage, or non sacramental marriages. In this secular society that doesnt work well. Tasmania in Australia was one of the last places to outlaw homosexual unions , those found guilty of it were thrown in jail, fined or whatever the judge found an appropriate punishment.