Is it rude to request a priest to say Mass a certain way?

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So here is the deal. This doesn’t entail to just any Mass. If you are getting married and want the Eucharistic Prayer to be the Roman Canon or Eucharistic Prayer 1, is it rude to ask the priest to use that? Just really don’t want it to be Prayer 2 if at all possible.
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I would think you are within your rights to request EP1 if you want it.

Don’t know about the clapping - sure you may find it offputting but it is rather a spontaneous human reaction to what is a major lifetime event. And people might just forget and do it anyways even if they’re told not to …

I’m not a huge fan of the huggy-kissy relatives, but as a one-off at my wedding I’d grin and bear them with as good grace as I could muster. Perhaps you can find it in your heart to do the same with the clapping?
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I think it’s fine to make your opinions known, but remember that the Mass is ultimately the priest’s prerogative to exercise his legitimate options as he sees fit.
When we got married, we were able to pick our readings, our response, etc., from a list. We were able to select our hymns as well. So I doubt anyone would be uncomfortable with you requesting a particular Eucharistic Prayer.
I don’t think it would be rude at all to ask. I just wouldn’t push it if he declines, though it is a perfectly reasonable request so I think most priests would oblige.
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