is it theft?

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During a visit to a visit to a family member’s house my toddler son pushed some buttons on the TV and discovered that the house is receiving free cable. This was not intentional fraud, my family member really didn’t know it was coming into the house. Now that he knows it is there, does he have a moral obligation to call the cable company and tell them to bill him? Yes, he is watching it now that he knows it is available. 😉
I suggest it to be fessed up because if the cable company finds out down the road some how, they will have to pay for all that time. Save them the headache and turn it in or have them do so. It is theft because they are receiving a service unpaid for which should be paid. You have a moral obligation to yourself to do something.
I also suggest that they contact the company. Believe it or not, these companies have ways of detecting illegal lines and if caught, there are fines associated with having it. This happened to some friends of mine.
Oh yeah, not to mention that it would be morally wrong in that they are stealing from the cable network.:eek:
The prayer of contrition sometimes used at Mass –

“I confess to Almighty God, and to you my brothers and sisters, that I have sinned through my own fault - in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done, and what I have failed to do. I ask the Blessed Mary ever Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.”😉
He might want to check if it is a free promotion. Some weekends I get free HBO because they are trying to get people to buy it, maybe the cable company is having a promotional period.
If the cable company isn’t informed, there is going to be a lot more to pay for than just what the price of cable would be! I have seen the trucks going along the street with their equipment. They can & will detect that they have someone using cable who is not paying for it. There is a hefty fine for this!!
So, yes, it is wrong, & it is going to be big trouble besides. (Yes, I too know someone who got caught at this!)
Either sign up for cable or don’t use it. They can shoot a signal down the wire and tell if the line is being used. Pretty easy to do without the homeowner knowing about it.
Thanks for your responses. I figured it was wrong, but I didn’t know he could be facing fines if caught. Wow, I’ll have to inform him ASAP

like in the world today, ignorance doesn’t go far in court. Good on you.
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