There is an ungodly similarity between the Winnipeg Statement and the statement that started the revolt against the truth about married love and contraception. Until 1930 all Christian communities considered contraception a grave moral evil. In 1908, at a Lambeth Conference, the Anglicans reaffirmed constant Christian doctrine in saying it "earnestly calls upon all Christian people to discontinue the use of all artificial means (of contraception) as demoralizing to character and hostile to national welfare” (Resolution 41). The betrayal of truth came at the Lambeth Conference in 1930. Then it was declared that a couple could use contraceptives "where there is a clearly felt moral obligation to limit or avoid parenthood” (Resolution 15)…**The Winnipeg Statement is a near clone of the Lambeth betrayal.**Soon after it,countless Canadian Catholics claimed that the practice of contraception was a "right.”