Is it wrong to be mad about the people in New Orleans?

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Okay, hear me out…

Between the mugging, looting, rapes, stealing of ambulences, and shooting at rescue helicopters, I’m pretty disgusted with the human race. Or should I say, I’m pretty disgusted with what the human race can be (or is capable of).

Is this wrong?

I know that the evil one is playing a major hand in all of this, has to be. After such a horrible disaster and loss of life, to think that there are people out there raping people, taking food from those starving, and shooting at rescue crews. It’s complete Anarchy.
I know that the evil one is playing a major hand in all of this, has to be. After such a horrible disaster and loss of life, to think that there are people out there raping people, taking food from those starving, and shooting at rescue crews. It’s complete Anarchy.
Strictly speaking, “anarchy” is an ancient Greek word that means “without source or principle.” Every situation has sources, and every situation is governed by principles, whether we can correctly identify them or not.

Left to himself, man is, indeed, a mess.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
Between the mugging, looting, rapes, stealing of ambulences, and shooting at rescue helicopters, I’m pretty disgusted with the human race. Or should I say, I’m pretty disgusted with what the human race can be (or is capable of).
Only from what I’ve heard, that’s New Orleans before the hurricane hit. :confused:
I know that the evil one is playing a major hand in all of this, has to be. After such a horrible disaster and loss of life, to think that there are people out there raping people, taking food from those starving, and shooting at rescue crews. It’s complete Anarchy.
Well, God did get rid of Sodom & Gomorrah didn’t he? :rolleyes:
Strictly speaking, “anarchy” is an ancient Greek word that means “without source or principle.” Every situation has sources, and every situation is governed by principles, whether we can correctly identify them or not.
Also strictly speaking, anarchy does not mean ‘chaos’, anarchy is the abolition of the State and is a political system founded by Prouhoum and Bakunin; anarchy is supposed to be the purest form of democracy.
There is nothing wrong with getting angry at the individuals who are committing these atrocities. But you have to remember that there are many innocent people who just happen to reside in New Orleans. Just don’t let your anger color how you view the whole of humanity that is in that city.
Society breaks down when catastrophes occurs. Haven’t you seen the movie “War of the Worlds” or “Dawn of the Dead”? Thats why we have laws, law enforcers and religion which keep our behaviors in check. And when laws can not be enforced and religion has weakened, people revert to basic human behavior which is every man for himself (herself).
Bobby A. Greene:
Only from what I’ve heard, that’s New Orleans before the hurricane hit. :confused:

Well, God did get rid of Sodom & Gomorrah didn’t he? :rolleyes:
I lived in Biloxi for six months while my hubby was in training. A sweeter group of people you could not want to meet. We were there for Mardi Gras and saw none of the shenangens that happen in New Orleans. Biloxi’s Mardi Gras was much more family oriented. String of beads were not given to topless women but to little kids standing on the parade routes. My kids also got tons of candy from passing floats. Remember it isn’t just New Orleans that is suffering.
Well, God did get rid of Sodom & Gomorrah didn’t he? :rolleyes:
This is the most disgusting thing I’ve heard. People are dying needlessly and this is what you have to say? These are your fellow man, the people who God calls on you to love…think twice before spewing such hateful words, would you?
What I am angry about is the U.N. and international community in general. They were fast to criticize the U.S. responce to the tsunami desaster (noting only the governmental responce and ignoring the huge private outpouring), but I haven’t heared of one offer of assistance for our desaster from them, have you? :mad:
It all disgusts me. I’m getting really sick and tired of the human race in general right now. I know I shouldn’t, but can’t help it.

I’m disgusted that in this thread people would waste two posts discussing the definition of the word “anarchy” when you both knew good and well what I meant. Talk about a waste of time.

Sorry, but this is a serious post about something much bigger than definitions. Post something relevant or don’t post.

As far as these people in LA. I feel for them, I pray for them. But I’m tired of the human ability to bite the hand that feeds it, so horrible. Those few people are responsible for every death from someone not getting treatment because they shot at an ambulence.

May God have mercy on their souls. And may our Lord have mercy on those who deserve it most. God Bless them all.
True…everything happens for a reason, but I’m pretty confident that there’s more to this than God “smiting” the wrong doers. Remember God promised Abraham that He won’t destroy a large city for the sake of a handful of innocent people. God also promised Noah through a sign of a rainbow that he won’t wipe out a whole population ever again.

Did all the people of 9/11 “deserve” to die? or the Tsunami in Thailand? Of coarse not!

God lets suffering happen to us so a greater good can come out. For almost a full year the US was more of a Christian nation after 9/11. The tsunami has many Catholic aid at hand there, meaning a good opportunity for spreading the Faith and the conversion of souls. None of this (I believe and understand) is for smiting the evil doers. That’s like seeing God sinking down to satan’s level (so to speak).

I agree with you that we’re all on thin ice, but it was probably just as bad way back then. Change is happening slowly but surely. It will never happen at once. Out of dark times, many saints are made! Something good is going to happen! Keep that window of hope open! 👍
Desert Father:
What I am angry about is the U.N. and international community in general. They were fast to criticize the U.S. responce to the tsunami desaster (noting only the governmental responce and ignoring the huge private outpouring), but I haven’t heared of one offer of assistance for our desaster from them, have you? :mad:
Like this one, for instance?

Or this one?

Or this one?

It should be pointed out that the United States is by far the wealthiest country on the planet. In contrast, those hit by the tsunami were poor in a way that few Americans can imagine.

Let us suppose that a company collapses, and its shareholders include Bill Gates, who loses $10 000 000, and a group of ten retirees who survive on their pensions and lost all $200 000 of their combined lives’ savings. For whom do you take up a collection? Few of the people who lost relatives in that tsunami will ever be wealthy enough to even have “life’s savings”.

The character of the damage is totally different.
Katrina: $25 billion damage, and possibly “a few thousand” dead.
December 24th tsunami: “only a few” billion dollars of damage, but well over 200 000 dead.

Do I feel sorry for the people whose lives are affected by Hurricane Katrina? Yes, certainly. Would I even rate it on the same scale as the Boxing Day Tsunami? Never.
Okay, hear me out…

Between the mugging, looting, rapes, stealing of ambulences, and shooting at rescue helicopters, I’m pretty disgusted with the human race. Or should I say, I’m pretty disgusted with what the human race can be (or is capable of).

Is this wrong?
Absolutely. You must immediately and utterly repent of having any standards of morality.😉

I would suggest that anyone who is not disgusted by such things is not actually engaging with the events in question.

We need only to remember that mercy is not about what people deserve.
This is humanity…look at all natural disaster and see life in the raw

Order is overturned, fear pervades, people are reduced to seeking food, water shelter…

Later we will hear of the the herosim and acts of courage… pray for these folks and give generously…
This is humanity…look at all natural disaster and see life in the raw

Order is overturned, fear pervades, people are reduced to seeking food, water shelter…

Later we will hear of the the herosim and acts of courage… pray for these folks and give generously…
My thoughts exactly. I think that the reason that we aren’t hearing any acts of courage now is because most of the people of that city are just wandering aimlessly around. So, we don’t know all the stories yet.

Before we judge we might have to consider what these people are going through. The hurricane is the most obvious. But the after effects seem nightmarish. Stuck in a hot, humid southern city with no water or food. Your home and belongings gone. Family members seperated or dead. Explosions around you. The fear of your own fellow man. Dead bodies from the hurricane and people actually dropping dead near you. The horrific stench.

I can’t imagine the shock that I would be in. Can you imagine being a child wandering with your parents during this time?
Does anyone know why we aren’t setting up tent cities?
Also, it seems like the majority of the people left are poor. I was wondering if this played into their decision to stay. Leaving costs gas and hotel room fees.
Does anyone know why we aren’t setting up tent cities?
Also, it seems like the majority of the people left are poor. I was wondering if this played into their decision to stay. Leaving costs gas and hotel room fees.
Quite possibly the reason we are not setting up tent cities is that you would be hard pressed to find dry ground.

I can understand not wanting to leave what is familiar. And maybe some just felt they could “ride things out” not realizing the devastation that would occur.
~ Kathy ~
Well someone is saying no-one gives a tinkers for the victims in NO or the USA, well read your papers and note that your ally liddle old Australia is sending money and the offer of tech assistance has been given.

Having seen my great city at its worst in 1974 when we were flooded (Brisbane), been there done that. Its the clean up that is heart breaking…the stinking mud!
This is the most disgusting thing I’ve heard. People are dying needlessly and this is what you have to say? These are your fellow man, the people who God calls on you to love…think twice before spewing such hateful words, would you?
Don’t forget your fellow woman as well.
Okay, hear me out…

Between the mugging, looting, rapes, stealing of ambulences, and shooting at rescue helicopters, I’m pretty disgusted with the human race. Or should I say, I’m pretty disgusted with what the human race can be (or is capable of).

Is this wrong?

I know that the evil one is playing a major hand in all of this, has to be. After such a horrible disaster and loss of life, to think that there are people out there raping people, taking food from those starving, and shooting at rescue crews. It’s complete Anarchy.
Welcome to the club!! I feel the same way myself when it comes to such people, especially celebs, politicians (especilly corrupt ones), company bigwigs and especially porn stars. And as insensitive as it sounds, given the bad rep of New Orleans, the carneval and Burbon St., you could say those places got some devine retribution when Kartrina (the hurricane) hit them.
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