I am coming from an extremely liberal background, and I have heard all the arguments for gay marriage. At the moment, now, the only one that could potentially sway me is separation of church and state. In the secular world, the only thing that makes a marriage a marriage is the government, and the government can’t be affected by the Church. So if we’re going to oppose gay marriage under the state, there need to be convincing non-religious reasons and so far I haven’t found any.
Secular society has already stripped away the majority of what Catholics say is necessary in a marriage, including even the promise to stay together. I would think that by the time divorce is in the picture, it might as well not even be marriage. So how does adding homosexuality into the equation make it any worse? And how can I argue against such marriage?
I am not even going to bother with reading all the replies but this is how I see the matter. people can take it or leave it. bash it or accept it. I really do not care as this is what makes sense to me.
First of all, I do not agree with homosexuality.
Secondly, marriage is 3 fold… two people and God (male and female)
Thirdly, marriage is a biblical thing. A Godly thing.
The devil likes to mimic God.
Why would religious people be upset about gay marriage? They say it is a sin. Ok. They say God created marriage and this is perverting it. Ok.
They are not asking religious authority. They are getting a legal licence from the STATE.
If that is religious authority… then why are religious people getting licences from the state esp if they are claiming marriage to be created by God not by gov. Why need the permission of the state when in all honestly the state could care less if or who someone is married.
They are not asking to be married in churches. Most are married in court houses. They want the state rights of marriage. Not religious.
Do not get me wrong. It is nice to have a piece of paper about marriage… but should not the piece of paper from a Rev have more significance than from the state? Marriage is 3 fold bibically- male female and God
Gay marriage would be 2 same sex and gov… (or the added God would would still be invalid anyway)
A christian can able marriage without the gov papers for the fact that marriage is between male female and God and often done in front of the congregation as a support and encourager for the new couple through their lives. Since marriage is of God and not man.
Christians are to be living in the world but separate from the world. Why would a worldly piece of paper from the state have so much value? What? because of money and taxes?
Personally I honestly do not care gay people can legally marry. They want the legal benefits. They have that choice as humans. In technically it is not a marriage from God if it is not done on the spiritual level. Even the vows are different. As long as Revs are not being forced to marry people they do not want too, its fine. Everyone has choices.
I honestly do not see the big deal. Ceremony is different. Vows are different. They are not requiring Revs to do the marriages. People have the choice to sin if your reason is being gay is sinful. If children are going to brought into this, well for one:
gays do not abort
many adopt children that would probably never have a home otherwise
Sure there may not be a physical mother or father, but what is the difference with that compared to divorced couples with single moms or dads. Many do not even see the other parent. Gay couples… well at least they have two supportive people in their lives that love them. And no, gays do not push sexual orientation on children. Straight people seem to have that tendency.
Look I am not trying to slam anyone but what is wrong with accepting this? honestly?
It is a separate marriage from the christian world. It would be a marriage of the world or state. Like atheists getting married in the court house.But you do not see a huge ordeal about atheists legally getting married and raising children. the same “worries” apply in both cases. Only difference, a physical male or female is missing.
There is separation of church and state for a reason… because Christians are to live in the world but not of the world. That is why.
Gay marriage is a worldly counterfeit marriage. Personally I do not think we should be worrying about it being legal. We {s}ould be worrying about it being done in the Churches.