Exodus 20:5 (New International Version)
5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God
I guess God is a sinner!!!
Of course jealousy is not, in and of itself, evil. We often get jealousy and envy confused. Jealousy is where you see something good in another person/thing and you want it for yourself. Envy is different (and always evil) because it sees the good person/thing and you want to ruin it because you can’t have it.
So, for example. A teenager sees his friend get high marks on his report card while he, himself, does poorly. A jealous person will work harder and earn an equally high grade. An envious person will speak poorly about the acheiver and put him down.
So now, the jealous God. God, in that passage, sees the worship men give to idols and he wants that for himself. Worshipping the one true God is a good thing.
So, as we see, we need to look both at the object of the jealousy as well as the behavior it stimulates in the jealous person. If it is a good thing that the person is stimulated to acquire for themselves (eg. a virtue), AND if the means by which they acquire this is legitimate, then jealousy is a positive motivator.