I heard recently that in the origianal printings of scripture, all the places where it says LORD, it used to say yahweh. I can’t quote where I heard it becuase I don’t remember. it was some wierd protestant guy. (No disrespect to protestants intended, this guy was just out there a little) anyway, he said that when the king james as written, along with its many other flaws, they cut out most of the mentions of yahweh and replaced it with LORD but also mispelled yahweh into jehovah. (don’t ask me how. maybe some of the letters looked the same in hebrew or something). I believe it’s in there like 6 times or something. anyway, my husband uses this a lot to discredit the jehovah whitnesses saying that their entire religion is based on a mispelling of God’s real name. Jehovah, nor yahwey appear anywhere in my NAB. I was just wondering if anyone had heard this before and if it were true. ever since my husband started saying this, I kind of crenge when I hear people say jehovah. but I would like to knwo if it were true. thanks