Re: Is Mass enough for you?
Remember the words at the end of Mass. “The Mass is ended. Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.”
Part of our service is good fellowship with one another. The
Cleveland Diocese talks about this concept and a
Catholic Mom gives some other good ideas too.
You stated:
. . . . we’ve started ministries to help missionaries or simply that aided in the fellowship of the members. Those usually were started with blessings from the pastor or elders.
The Catholic Priest has a “Book of Blessings” and he will be able to give you and your husband a suitable blessing right now.
I think I understand what you are asking when you ask about the “connecting with” your fellow Catholics.
As far as the fellowship aspect, that varies widely from Parish to Parish. For years we attended a Catholic Parish an hour drive away from our home (driving by many other Catholic Parishes) so we could immerse ourselves in that type of Catholic parish life as many Catholic families at this Parish were seeking the same thing.
We always stayed in parishes under our Catholic Bishop though. Don’t go to any schismatic parishes, etc. These are really non-Catholic but try to sell themselves as being “Catholic”. Don’t be fooled. There is a temptation to do this because their fellowship aspect is usually strong and after all, they DO call themselves “Catholic”. This is a sin against the unity of the Catholic Church.
We did a lot of things together at our parish as families (we had smaller children at the time and so did most of these people who we did these various types of activities with). We had picnics and social gatherings, family trips out to the lake, family prayer (such as group Rosary around a campfire followed by “Marshmallowing”), etc. This was often immediately after Mass. We (our family group) even had an annual Marian pot luck luncheon/picnic on May Day.
A Catholic Bishop from a neighboring diocese had a Eucharistic Congress every other year that many of us would attend.
A “Eucharistic Congress” is basically where they bring in excellent Catholic speakers from around the nation and it is a huge family-friendly conference. Many of the families would go get motel rooms in the same place, go to the talks together, and in the evenings, the kids would frolic around in the swimming pool while the adults drank pop, ate chips, and talked while closely watching our children (remember this is a swimming pool setting so we were pretty careful).
Our kids are grown up now, and I cannot attend any of these types of events any more associated with some health issues (I’m dealing with a cancer) so I just have to be content with occasional visitors (with a lot of restrictions on them with my immunity being hampered due to my chemo). I also enjoy myself doing this type of thing (Catholic Answers Forums) and daydreaming about the things we used to do together as a family. Lots of prayer as well. My grandchildren are here often which gives me even more joy than I ever had with our wonderful social groups.
We attended the Pauline Mass but occasionally we went to the Traditional Latin Mass too and met wonderful Catholics there as well (who seem to place a higher emphasis on Catholic fellowship than typical Catholic families do–but where we “fellowshipped” in the Pauline Parish, these families were every bit as much into the Catholic lifestyle as the Tridentine people so seeking out the area Tridentine Community is not necessary although we liked spending time with our “Trad” friends too (they would in jest refer to themselves as “The Trads”).
It was wonderful. A group of the “Trads” and the “Novus Ordos” even got together and formed a door-to-door Catholic evangelization ministry under the direction of a “novus ordo Catholic Priest”.
Not all the Trads are as wonderful as these people were. Not all the “Novus Ordos” are as fun as these people were too. As I said, you may have to look around a little bit to find that deeper kind of parish life.
Once you do find a few of these Catholic families, the “network” grows like wildfire. You will be amazed at how many dedicated Catholic families are out there all struggling (but bolstered up by God’s grace, especially through the Sacraments) to live out the Catholic life the best they can.
I hope you find a niche in the Catholic Community and welcome home! I will keep you folks in my prayers.
God bless.