Is Masturbation is a sin?

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Uh… iam 29 years old,no girl friends,i often dream some beautiful gild and do something lust to them,i start Masturbation at 12 or 3 years old,yeah and i watch porn too, but that’s the pass,i know the porn is very harmful to me,i stop watching any porn /hentai for few months, i can don’t watch them,but i can’t stop the Masturbation, i have aleady start to read holy Bible.when i Masturbation i think something likein the porn ,but i did not watch them,is t a sin or crime?
Masturbation is sinful, yes, seriously so. For many it’s an addiction. It’s important that you work to break this bad habit.
Lots of good advice if you use the search feature on the menu above.
thank you but it’s very hard to stop,very hard,completly stop.not easy.
Search the existing posts, it may give you some new ideas.

Rather than just stop you might try reduction, keep a note to help you remember and try to make it a longer time each time. It may take years or it may be quicker. Pray for help with it.

In the meantime remember to confess it.
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when i Masturbation i think something likein the porn ,but i did not watch them,is t a sin or crime?
Your question has been asked dozens of times before on CAF, perhaps more. You can find old threads about this topic by using the search function. Click the looking glass near the top-right of your screen and search for “masturbation”.

Now, for my answer answer: yes it’s a sin, but the gravity depends on the nature of your fantasy. You write that your fantasies are “something like in the porn”. Well, that’s pretty bad, because the sexual intercourse depicted in pornography ranges from lustful (which is a sin) to perverse (which is a worse sin) to deranged (which is a terrible sin). Get away from it. If you can’t do that right now because you’re addicted, stay away from anything perverse or worse and limit yourself to watching natural intercourse between one man and one woman. In time, try to get away from that too by relying only on fantasy without the aid of a video clip. Once you’re at that stage it’ll get better on its own accord. Falling deeply in love with a real woman helps too.
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i will try,do my BEST i guess,i am sure i can no watch porn ,no porn,i can do that,forever.yeah
Yes. It violates the 6th Commandment. Sex is to be procreative, and masturbation is not procreative.
Sex is to be procreative, and masturbation is not procreative.
The Church does not teach that sex must be procreative. It teaches that we abuse our sexual faculties if they’re used in ways contrary to how they’re naturally ordered.

It’s not wrong for a couple who is infertile due to menopause or other reasons to have sex, so long as they can perform the act.
Yes, it’s a sin. Yes, it’s a tough habit to break. Don’t get discouraged. So many men and women struggle daily with this sin. Be very patient with yourself, and if you fall then repent and get right back up, every time.
A daily prayer routine and frequenting confession and mass are your best defenses.
Please Read the Following 3 posts By @edward_george1
How bad of a sin is masturbation? Moral Theology
So, let me say this first: masturbation is a sin, no question about it. Per the Catechism of the Catholic Church: 2352 By masturbation is to be understood the deliberate stimulation of the genital organs in order to derive sexual pleasure. “Both the Magisterium of the Church, in the course of a constant tradition, and the moral sense of the faithful have been in no doubt and have firmly maintained that masturbation is an intrinsically and gravely disordered action.” “The deliberate use of t…
How bad of a sin is masturbation? Moral Theology
Furthermore, let’s consider the words of St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae I-II, q 73, aa 5 and 6: On the contrary, Gregory says (Moral. xxxiii, 11) that carnal sins are of less guilt, but of more shame than spiritual sins. I answer that, Spiritual sins are of greater guilt than carnal sins: yet this does not mean that each spiritual sin is of greater guilt than each carnal sin; but that, considering the sole difference between spiritual and carnal, spiritual sins are more grievous than ca…
How bad of a sin is masturbation? Moral Theology
Continued, from article 6 of the above: On the contrary , If the cause be increased, the effect is increased. Therefore the greater the cause of sin, the more grievous the sin. I answer that , In the genus of sin, as in every other genus, two causes may be observed. The first is the direct and proper cause of sin, and is the will to sin: for it is compared to the sinful act, as a tree to its fruit, as a gloss observes on Matthew 7:18, "A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit": and the great…
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You’ve been receiving a lot of good advice. My recommendations:
  1. Pray and ask the Virgin Mary to help you overcome your bad habit.
  2. Be busy. An idle mind is the workshop of the devil. Have a hobby, study, or hangout with good friends. Do everything to keep your mind occupied.
  3. Find a girl friend whom you can truly love. A wholesome relationship can change your orientation. Then, as soon as you are ready, get married.
I myself struggle with masturbation and pornographic images since I was 12YO and I am 20YO now. The best thing to do is to get it out in the open, go to confession frequently. I’ve gotten some great advice from lots of people on CAF, use the advice!

One that was recommended to me was to take cold showers and give up something you enjoy. These two things are us forcefully taking back control of our body and our desires. It will help you fight temptation later if you can deny yourself these simple things.

It is not easy though, there is a lot of brain damage that porn and masturbation causes and I definitely have some I have to deal with and work on, you probably as well.

I’ll be praying for you and know you are not alone! And yes these are sins to answer your question
I listened to in fact, an Evangelical radio show one night on this type of topic, watching pornography. Yes, it is a serious sin, the hosts then mentioned that most men or at least, many men ha ve this struggle. Perhaps, it is in part the way we are wired with the sexual urge. From there, it is as people say, pray, ask for forgiveness, acknowledge that pir sins are hurtful to God.
That’s what I’ve heard others say on other masturbating topics on here.
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