Or maternity is God’s gift? And do animals have mater instinct? Thank you very much.
Before I had children, I really didn’t care at all about being a mother… never so much as entertained the idea. But I believe my maternal instincts kicked in with pregnancy (hormones?), then went to a new high with birthing. Now with two daughters and ten grandchildren, I couldn’t begin to imagine not being a mother all these years (and grandmother), I thank God every day for this blessing of motherhood. It’s just that my point was the fact that, like you, I never really desired to be a mom – until it happened.If I were in a good marriage I would be open to life however as a single woman I never really desired to be a mother.
I’ve had dogs and cats all my looooonng, life, and they absolutely instinctively teach their young how to hunt, to eat from a bowl, to clean themselves, use a litter box, and how to behave. They discipline their young when they misbehave. I’ve seen my mother cats SLAP their babies when they tire of their nonsense, and the babies immediately lay down. That all has to come from natural instinct.Have you seen how mother hens and ducks and mother cats take care of their young?
and not just their own, but strays, and sometimes even those of other species.Have you seen how mother hens and ducks and mother cats take care of their young?
It’'s generally more a paw straight down on top of the head—which is also useful from a person to an adult cat (not hard! just firmly!)I’ve seen my mother cats SLAP their babies when they tire of their nonsense, and the babies immediately lay down. That all has to come from natural instinct.
This is largely self-correcting–they are unlikely to have grand-kits . . .nd there are mama rabbits who won’t pull fur, won’t build a nest, will have their kits on the wire, and will just ignore them, even though they’re quite old enough to be mentally as well as physically there.
My Golden Retriever puppy learned the hard way that he couldn’t walk along the top of our 4 foot high fence like his cat sisters.I get a kick out of the cat that tries to wag it’s tail like a dog, and the puppy that growled inappropriately–he was trying to purr!).
oops . . .My Golden Retriever puppy learned the hard way that he couldn’t walk along the top of our 4 foot high fence like his cat sisters.