It is often said that mathematics is the language of God. What should we think of this? Is mathematics something created by humans and thus purley abstract? Or something real in the universe? Or perhaps even the universe itself? Something that the universe is founded upon? Is it perhaps the language of God that he used to create and sustain the universe? (I majored in philosophy and minored in math and just want to see other Catholics opinions and point of view before I spout mine).
Mathematics provides a description of the order and structure of the universe.
It is not inclusive of all order.
It is a language in the sense that it is used both internally and amongst ourselves to communicate our understanding the world.
Rather than being created by humans, mathematics reflects our capacity for reason, which has been given to us.
It is abstract in the sense that it is not physical in nature.
In fact, it is required to explain the physical.
Mathematics exists, so it is real and part of the universe.
It reveals much of how the universe is put together and how it works.
It is an important part of our relational nature, that which connects what is other to the self which knows, feels and acts.
As part of our connection to what is, some of the structure of creation, in which we participate, is revealed through mathematics.