From a forum discussion at:“Apostolic Judaism is not a denomination. It is a technical description of what the first century church was. They met in the synagogue, observed Torah and all of what was Judaism”
They make usual set of claims of a first-century apostasy, Constantine introducing pagan sun-worship etc. follow. Not knowing too much about the group, I always assumed they were evangelicals who had added or retained some relatively harmless jewish customs like celebrating passover meals. But these people are combining fringe fundementalist anti-Catholic beliefs with modern liberal scholarship that paints the Church, and especially the Nicene fathers as raving anti-semites and coming to conclusions such as anti-semitism being the root cause of the early Church’s slide into “apostasy”.
They seem almost as equally critical of classic Protestantism (Martin Luther’s anti-semitism perhaps being a particular sticking point), I do not see either Catholic or Protestant Apologetics looking much at this group. Any thoughts?