Is Michael always battling the devil?

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Is Michael the arch angel always battling the devil? And how superior is he in strength to the devil?
There is an ongoing battle. St Michael is participating. St Michael is not superior to the devil. He relies on God’s power to defeat the enemy.
Here we see Michael doing field work on God’s behalf & ours

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Yes he is battling the devil. I’m not sure what you mean superior in strength. Spiritual strength? Sure. Through scripture we know he defeats the devil and casts him into hell. But in another way Mary is more powerful than perhaps st Michael. We know this from scripture as well. Physically angels (including fallen angels) don’t have bodies, so Mary is physically stronger than the angels. In my estimation is goes (Christ (obviously) Mary, st Michael, other angels and saints, then the devil. In that order.
Are you familiar with the St michael’s prayer? That kind of says who is stronger…
Pope John Paul II said, “The battle against the devil . . . is the principal task of Saint Michael the Archangel.”
Well, gee, i pre-assume he musta said that. Can’t recall where i
C&P’d it from
That quote by Pope St. JPII is all over the Internet including on EWTN below. I think it originally may have come from “Crossing the Threshold of Hope.”

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There’s a line of reasoning I’ve always enjoyed. According to medieval theologians there are nine choirs of angels. In descending order: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels. St Michael is one of the three named Archangels, which does not have to mean that he is of the choir of Archangels, but it is reasonable. We don’t know what choir the devil would have been in, but I’ve seen speculation that he was a Cherub or Seraph. If both of these are correct (and that’s a big if) the devil is much stronger than Michael. Nevertheless, by the power of God, Michael casts down Satan

No idea how valid it is but God frequently exalts the lowly over the prideful and it would be fitting if He did so again here.
The traditional story I have read about the Seven Archangels is that when Satan revolted against God, and some other angels joined Satan, these seven archangels, led by Michael, positioned themselves between the rebelling angels and God’s throne, ready to defend God’s throne even though they themselves were angels of the second lowest rank, while Satan and many other rebelling angels were much higher rank. Due to their bravery, these rather lowly Archangels were elevated and rewarded by God. And yes, I’m sure it upsets Satan that Michael, an angel of lower rank, overpowers him.

A version of the story is here:
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St. Michael’s combat orders are to protect the Church from guerilla attacks from the last die hard combatants of a defeated enemy. Christ defeated the devil and death by His cross and resurrection.

“The gates of Hell shall not prevail against Christ’s Church” means the devil is on defense, not offense. The war is won; all that is left to St. Mike is clean up on aisle 11.
Is Michael the arch angel always battling the devil? And how superior is he in strength to the devil?
Saints can be prayed to for any reason, but certain saints are particularly associated with certain causes and St Michael the Archangel is invoked for protection against the proud spirits. People can commune with saints at any time they please. Because St Michael is part of the Communion of Saints, prayers to him are infinitely powerful since the graces from the prayer ultimately come from God.

If you want a better devotion to St Michael (and with all the angels) the Chaplet of St Michael is a good devotion to follow. You can also say this prayer:

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

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Is Michael the arch angel always battling the devil? And how superior is he in strength to the devil?
Considering that the angels & demons exist outside of our reality of spacetime but are capable of entering/leaving it at will…then, yes…ALWAYS.
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There’s a line of reasoning I’ve always enjoyed. According to medieval theologians there are nine choirs of angels. In descending order: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels. St Michael is one of the three named Archangels, which does not have to mean that he is of the choir of Archangels, but it is reasonable. We don’t know what choir the devil would have been in, but I’ve seen speculation that he was a Cherub or Seraph. If both of these are correct (and that’s a big if) the devil is much stronger than Michael. Nevertheless, by the power of God, Michael casts down Satan

No idea how valid it is but God frequently exalts the lowly over the prideful and it would be fitting if He did so again here.
My Mom always told me this. I was going to mention it until I saw that you’d already done the honors. Always good to see this, and remember the lesson.
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