It can flunk just like any other coin issued by the government.
No, I’m sorry but this is quite wrong. The funny thing about Bitcoin is that it is not created by any government at all; it can be created by
anyone, you “just” have to use your computer to solve a special computational (mathematical) problem (i.e. a puzzle). But, solving this puzzle takes a
HUGE amount of time for your computer, which is why creating just 1 single Bitcoin (currently worth about $8,500) is not easy. Most Bitcoin makers (called “miners”) now buy and use special computers called mining rigs, which are much better (faster) at it than a regular desktop or laptop.
Another funny thing about Bitcoin is that it is impossible that more than 21 million total “Bitcoins” will ever exist in the world. This limit is “embedded” in the mathematical puzzle used to create Bitcoin. Therefore, it’s extremely unlikely that Bitcoin will ever “flunk” for reasons that other currencies have flunked, such as high inflation, or overspending by the government that issued the currency, or overprinting by that country’s central bank. None of this applies to Bitcoin, because, as stated, Bitcoin is not issued by any government, and it is therefore not associated with any country.
Some say gold has dark powers.
Well, it’s funny you should say that, because Bitcoin is much more similar to gold than to foreign currencies. Like gold, Bitcoin is hard to find (i.e. “mine”), it is limited in total supply, and more of it cannot be artificially created once its limit is reached (i.e. all of it has been “mined”), which for Bitcoin is expected to be in 2140. It is because of its similarity to gold that the term “mining” is used for its manufacturing.
Is it good or bad? We’ll have to see, but remember what you said about gold…