I am upset and surprised at many people these days who put down MMA (mixed martial arts) because of stereotpes they believe to be true. MMA is just like professional boxing or olympic wrestling, or martial arts tournaments. even so, no one seems to bother those sports about what they do. MMA gets put down all the time because people simply don’t understand what it is. One popular company of MMA is the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship). The stereotype goes soething like this: “those guys are brutes who go in there to beat each other up and make each other bleed like animals.there are no rules and it is an evil sport.” The truth might shock those people. Most of the “brutes” that fght in the UFC are olympic gold medalists at wrestling, martial arts chapions, and so on. MMA simply puts people from different fighting backgrownds in the same ring to see who is the better athlete. There are plenty of rules like no kicking while your opponent is down, no poking in the eyes, no biting, among other rules. Obvioulsy it is not a street fight nor an “anything goes” fight. its a sport that combines many fighting styles to see who the best rounded fighter is. I’m sick and tired of people putting down these amazing athletes. if people watched it once or twice, they would see how after the match the guys hug each other in respect and laughter sometimes. They could have been punching each other but as soon as the bell rings they stop and go to their corners peacefully. this shows that they are not brutes just going in for a fight. These are great athletes who train hard and support teir familes with what they do. some are school teachers, some are factory workers, some are engineers. smart men who are also great athletes.