It seems as if, in the last century- we have had a rise of atheism and moral permissiveness. Yet, there has has been no revolution, no real collapse of ‘society.’ This would seem incongruous.
My theory is that ‘capital’ (controlling the media, political discourse, etc.), actually want beliefs to go out the window- because in this way it becomes even stronger. People are left as functionaries of some capitalist machine, without even any beliefs or moral values which might lead to ideals and real social change- and say, ‘enough is enough’ to market forces. In this way, the capitalist machine is becoming even stronger and more dominant, while the revolutionary impulse is getting weaker and weaker…
I suspect that a lot of political liberals (atheists, equal rights activists) are actually servants of the capitalist big-picture without knowing it…
My theory is that ‘capital’ (controlling the media, political discourse, etc.), actually want beliefs to go out the window- because in this way it becomes even stronger. People are left as functionaries of some capitalist machine, without even any beliefs or moral values which might lead to ideals and real social change- and say, ‘enough is enough’ to market forces. In this way, the capitalist machine is becoming even stronger and more dominant, while the revolutionary impulse is getting weaker and weaker…
I suspect that a lot of political liberals (atheists, equal rights activists) are actually servants of the capitalist big-picture without knowing it…