Is my eating disorder a sin?

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I have struggled with anorexia nervosa for around 1.5 years now and just started treatment. Alright so every time I go to confession I don’t know whether I should confess anything relating to my disorder. I’ve thought about telling the priest that I don’t “take care of and properly nourish my body” but im not entirely sure if my ED is even a sin. I would think it is but then also it’s not my fault that I’m anorexic? Well I suppose it is. SEE! I get so confused and torn on this issue. If anyone has any feedback, it’d be greatly appreciated. Thanks and God bless
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Are you seeking professional treatment? This is a psychological condition that requires help.
Generally, physical and mental illnesses are not sins. However, neglecting to receive treatment for them might very well be sinful.
Is it a sin? That’s a question for a priest to answer, not a bunch of anonymous strangers on a comments thread.

I imagine that when you do ask a priest about it, he probably won’t feel able to give you a Yes or No answer without first asking you what you’re doing about it, in terms of seeking professional help. So that would be the place to start.
I agree with Paul. The illness is not a sin, it’s an illness. If you are under doctors’ care and doing the best you can to follow it, then that’s the best you can do. Eating disorders have a mental illness component that may present challenges for you in following doctors’ advice. I don’t think it is helpful to frame this mental illness as a “sin”, but if you still have concerns you should perhaps talk with a priest.
If you confess it, be sure to tell the priest that you have been diagnosed with anorexia and are under doctors’ care. It seems likely to me that the priest’s evaluation and counseling of you would likely be different than if somebody without an eating disorder walked in and confessed bad eating and exercise habits.
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